Chapter 4:

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We all sit down with the nasty food of the school and i just kinda mess with it with my fork until someone talks, im still thinking of what i thought about lexy yesterday, I don't know weather to feel ashamed or happy about it.

"So about yesterday.. we have this like- Problem" Devon Says swiftly

"Problem? Go on..." i say in confusion

"I don't know if you've ever heard of him. but there's a killer named Charles Lee Ray, he transferred his soul into a doll and that doll is forever haunted, and now that doll is.. after us" Jake says quietly but just enough for me to hear

I laugh "your funny, real funny"

"We're not kidding, it's a-lot to believe but- we have proof" Jake says as he pulls out his phone to show the texts he got from chucky a few weeks ago.

"so. yall are really being attacked by a killer doll.. where is it now?"

"That's the thing. we don't know"

"So you're ALSO. telling me there's a killer doll.. JUST RUNNING AROUND?!"

"Yeah. Yeah i guess your right" Jake says in a low voice as if he had just been proved wrong

"This is insane.. just insane" i say in disbelief

"And now that your tied to it.. your family is too." Devon adds on to the shit Jake told me .

"Now that i think about it.. We haven't seen chucky since.. you showed up..." jake says

"What do yall mean." i say scared for what's gonna happen

"didn't your mom get mad at you.. chucky says he only kill's people who have it coming." Devon adds on

".. my mom " i say scared for what i'm going to go home to.. i pick up my bag and start to run out the school with the boys following me, i text lexy and tell her where im going, the boys catch up to me and ask where im going, i tell them im going home to check on my mom just in case chucky got to her, i haven't heared from her in a day or two, thankfully my new house isn't far so i walk with jake and devon walking behind me, when i finally get to my moms with tears running down my face, i walk in to seeing my mom on the floor with a knife plunged into her chest. there she is. on the floor, dead. my mother is dead. i have no one else. i turn around to find jake and devon staring at my mothers corpse, i cover my mouth and hug them both, thanking them for always being there, we call 911 and wait on the porch. i think to my self

"what will i fucking do." i have no where else to go, devon sees me still crying and tells me if mom died form chucky too, he offers me to stay at his aunts house with him and the rest of the kids, i took the opportunity because i was scared of where i was gonna go next, i didn't wanna leave lexy or Devon and Jake, im scared for them also.

the deputy of the department came up to us and started talking in this weird tone.

"Jake Wheeler and Devon Evens.. What a surprise" he says with a off tone

"Sorry what?" i add on

"These two boys have been the key center to murders for these 3 past years, left for a bit, and came back to finish there high school years"

"Ok but how do y'all know someone's not after them and just killing whoever gets in the way." i say in an annoyed tone, obviously thinking he's insane for thinking two teen boys would be able to kill someone.

"Deputy Charlotte. Nice to see you haven't lost your attitude" Jake says clearly not happy to see the lady, Devon brings the problem down by having Jake cool off and having the lady to go investigate, his mom was some type of detective so he knows most of the people.

we wait and wait for about an hour or two until some of the police men came and apologized for my loss. they couldn't save her in time. I obviously started to cry even more because my mom was dead, i didn't know where my dad was, and my grandma cut me off when i came out to her. thankfully, they found a close aunt and called her about 20 minutes after my mother was pronounced dead, i feel super bad for her, almost more then i feel bad for me. sure i lost my mom but my aunt lost her sister. but i lost empathy points when she said she was gonna pay for the funeral but i can't stay with her because she quote, just couldn't deal with a reckless child,

they also called one other person.. my brother the was about 20 and lived on his own becuse my mother was an abusive asshole to him. after he got called and got told she was dead, he said he would come stay with me in my old house. i took the offer as long as i was able to see my friends, he agreed and started to make his journey here. i was super scared but i know i'll be ok with My little group

They send Jake and Devon home when my brother arrived, he took me in and started to cook, he had a stable job here already and drives the hour everyday, so he didn't mind watching me in honor of my mother, while he made food i went to shower, i swear that shower was the best shower in years. It helped sooth me.

After my shower i sat at the table texting lexy, my brother could tell i was smiling and he already knew i was lesbian so he asked me "Is that your girlfriend", after that i looked up kinda flustered and shook my head no, he said "okay.." and proceeded to eat.

When i finished eating i went to go lay down, i just thought of everything. My mom, Chucky, and most of all Lexy.


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