Ch. 1 | application

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"Snow flower" by V

TODAY is the day you have been preparing for the last 2 months. The day back to shiratorizawa after  summer break. You feel anxious and at ease at the same time due to that you finally reach second year at the school you dread and love at the same time.

the place many worked so hard to get into. The power house shiratorizawa. While many worked hard to get in, you in the other hand was given a privilege to get to study there because of your family. they have been alumnis in shiratorizawa for as long as you can remember. as well as they fund the school using the money they have from MS sportswear. a company your family owns.

While you stand infront of the school you love you start to remember everything from the very first day you arrived at shiratorizawa, cherry blossoms falling all around you covering the floor with pink petals. chattering all around you from people talking about their classes to talking about their bentos. You were so anxious you hear your heart beat as fast it could forgetting the chattering and loudness of the place due to your nerves acting up again.

You decide to take a step inside in your uniform with the purple undershirt and bow you guys wear. the uniform itself was not the best looking as it is a little big on you however it hugged your body just enough to see your curves and the purple makes your e/c shine the best. suddenly receive a notification from your phone. a text message from Rei Hayashi, the boys volleyball team's manager a third year. pulling you out from your thoughts.

¨hey can you meet me in the cafeteria later? coach just needs you to fill out one more application, don't worry it'll be quick¨ while reading you groan in annoyance as you have to fill out a second form to become the boys volleyball teams manager with rei but you don't mind as this is the year you wanna let loose and apply all your time on new things, as last year all you did was rot in your room wasting all your time and energy playing video games.

as you walk towards the cafeteria you hear footsteps approaching behind you.

¨y/n-chann where are you going?¨ you hear as you look back you see a 6'1 slender man with red hair comes right next you.

¨oh hi tendou-san, i'm just going to the cafeteria to meet rei because of the manager application i have to do¨ you say while continuing to walk to the cafeteria as tendou follows you to your right.

¨ohhhh you really are committing to the ¨i won't waste my time rotting in bed¨ goal you've been saying before break¨ he comments while scratching his head walking into the cafeteria seeing rei.

"I mean i have to you know? I wasted a whole year doing nothing and my parents are forcing me to branch out as well" you say in distress. You try your best to be the perfect child your parents have dreamed you to be so branching out was the best option you could do instead of staying in bed doing nothing all day after school.

After opening the cafeteria doors hearing the loud utensils hitting the plates you hear a familiar voice
¨y/n-chan over hear!!¨ she says while waving her hand from a little table in the corner with papers on her hand. you look at her while giving her a slight smile, You walk towards her as tendou left after seeing one of his friends a tall man with broad shoulders and dark green hair eating his breakfast on the other side of the cafeteria.

¨what application do i need to fill out?¨ you asked rei while reaching for your pockets to get a pen. as you look back at rei she hands you a piece of paper asking your medical history. Many questions on it just asked you about your physical stamina. Questions such as "how long can you run continuously" well thank god that even though all you did last year was rot in bed you still prioritized your health by taking runs every morning for 30 mins.

After finishing the application you hand rei the paper and then she said ¨coach will give you a call later once he makes a decision, don't worry though, you'll get in!!"she says with a bright smile on her face.

¨hopefully i will, i just really need to branch out of my comfort zone lately besides i already like volleyball so why not try out to be a manager.¨ smiling while hoping that you get in and become a manager with rei.

Time skip~

RINGG RINGG the bell ringing after a day of introductions and rules for your new classes.

As you walk out of the door to go back to your dorm you hear your phone ring.

"Hello is this y/n l/n?" The man with a husky and low voice on the phone says

"Uh yes this is she. What can i do for you?" You say hoping that this might be the phone call about your application.

"I'm ushijima wakatoshi, the captain of the boys volleyball team. I'm here to inform you that you got in and that our meeting is on Wednesday 4 pm so arrive early." The man with the stoic voice says and before you get to answer him you hear the phone hung up.

"Um okay weird" you say as you put your headphones in, pressing play on your playlist, suddenly the song "snow flower" by V starts playing and coincidentally while walking down the halls the cherry blossoms from trees start shimmering with some of it falling onto the ground covering shiratorizawa with beautiful pink petals all around.

As i was walking back to my dorms the cold hit me. I decided to grab my scarf however before i could put it around my neck the wind blows it away. It lands in-front of a someone. A man.

"Hey can you pick it up?" You say towards him almost yelling to be heard

Author's note: ewan ko rin sah ano ba dapat idagay q dito HHAHAHAH tangina

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