Chapter 5

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Lara needed a moment before going back downstairs. She didn't think she was really wanted here. At least by her three cousins. Those ones that she literally just met and seem to hate her for whatever reason. She barely knows these cousins and yet she rubbed them the wrong way. Or they are mean girls bitches. Why would she want to go out of her way to be around those people. Knowing how they are. She can't be around those girls. Even though she knows doesn't have much of a choice in the matter. She can't bring herself to want to be around them.

She takes a few moments before going back downstairs. She knows that she needs to go back downstairs eventually. She doesn't want to be around those girls. Even though she knows she is going to need to be around them a lot. Whatever it may be. School or a family function. She isn't going to have much of a say in the matter. She will be so happy when she could get away from those girls. Even though she barely knows them. She does get the vibe that they are mean girl bullies. She is not entirely sure why she is getting that vibe from them. It's just a feeling that she has.

As she went downstairs she felt all the eyes staring at her. It gives her a pit in her stomach. She doesn't want everybody staring at her. It makes her feel so uncomfortable. She never felt this out of place before.

"Are you running to your mommy new girl," Lara heard someone calling out to her.

Being confused on what was said and who it came from she didn't know what to do.

"Look at me while I'm talking to bitch," the voice called out.

"Um, who is it?" Lara asked.

"You seriously forgot who I am," the person called out.

Lara looked at the person that said it. She saw Holly and her group of cronies. She gave a deep sigh. Lara knew it couldn't be good. With the attitude from Holly that she gave.

"Look at your owner bitch."

"Owner? I don't believe I have one of those," Lara said.

"I'm your fucking owner now bitch. Bow down to me now you fucking bitch," Holly demanded.

"I'm not doing anything you say."

Holly gives Lara a death stare as she stands with Brooke and Sadie. She almost looked disgusted with Lara. As if she was an ugly little duckling. As if she was something completely and utterly worthless.

"You don't speak to my daughter that way," a voice called out.

Holly seemed to be shocked. As if no one has spoken to her in that way.

Lara looked behind her to see who it was. The one who Holly was looking at. Even though she knows it can be one of two people.

It was her mother. Did she hear the whole thing? How Holly was being such a bitch and a mean girl towards. She was being extremely toxic towards her. She doesn't know what she is like towards other people. All she knows is how she is towards her. So far her impression towards Holly, Sadie and Brooke aren't the greatest. 

"Which one of you were talking that way towards my daughter," Lara's mom sternly asked them.

None of them said anything. But Brooke and Sadie looked at Holly as she looked completely pissed. From what Lara knows of these girls they won't snitch on each other. Even though Brooke's and Sadie's expressions say absolutely everything.

"It was you wasn't it?" her mom asked as she looked at Holly.

"What if it was?"

"The point is that what you said is absolutely disgusting and vile."

Lara heard other people coming into the room they are in.

"What is going on?" One of Lara's aunts asked.

"That girl," her mom said as she pointed at Holly. "Claimed she owned my daughter Lara. She also was calling her names."

The other parents looked confused and didn't know what to say. They looked at each other before saying or doing anything. As if they didn't know what to do. Whether they knew or not about Holly's actions or not they do need to do something about it now.

"Um, me and her father will deal with her when we get home," the first aunt she spoke to said.

"Deal with her now while the problem is still going on. With my daughter, the victim, is right here," Lara's mom said.

"Well, Holly, don't know how to put this. You're grounded for the rest of the summer and all of the first semester. You are not allowed to use your phone and laptop outside of school work. We'll talk more about it when we are home," Holly's mom said.

Lara's mom didn't want to argue with anyone right now anymore. So she dropped it for the time being.

Holly glared at Lara as soon as all the adults left them alone. As if Lara was a piece of trash that flew onto her. Lara doesn't exactly feel like a small child. She does know what Holly is trying to do. She can see it. She isn't going to call her out on it at the moment. She knows that it won't turn out good for her.

Lara left Holly, Brooke and Sadie to do whatever they were going to do next. As if Lara really cared about what they were going to do next. As long as they don't bug her or be mean or bullies towards her. She couldn't be bothered to care what they were going to do. Why would she? All they have been to her so far is be mean girl bullies that tried to put her in her place. Even though she has done nothing to them. That might be the reason why they, mostly Holly, tried to put in her place.

She goes to find her mom. She just wants to be with her mom. She starts to feel anxious. She knows that her mom will calm her down if needed. Her mom does have a way to calm her down when she gets super anxious.

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