King of Curses, King of Woe

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"Relinquish your kingdom to me, or I'll slit your daughter's pretty little throat." Minato smirked as he stood at the bottom of Sukuna's throne.

Sukuna felt a growing anger kindle in his bones. He knew this would happen, and might have felt a little fear if he weren't such a powerful sorcerer. The young pup at the base of the stairs amused him more than anything.

"How cute." He laughed, slashing Minato's army of guards with a twitch of his fingers. "You dare walk in here and think you hold any sort of sway over me?"

"It's become clear that your daughter has become your habitual exception from destruction during your evil reign. So, either you give up your kingdom, or you give up your daughter." Minato stood firm, but his bottom lip quivered. "A group of my men already have knives at her throat by now. Even you with all your power could not save her. So choose, or–"

Minato's head slid slowly from his shoulders, leaving blood to paint the throne room floors. Sukuna disappeared from the room and in all his great speed seemed to teleport to Besu's room, only to be met with a floor coated in a familiar red liquid.

Crimson droplets stained the disheveled, pink comforter. Her toys looked like they'd been ransacked and several of them shattered against the wooden floors. In the time it took to blink, he opened the closet, rooted under the bed, and checked behind her dressers, but her body was nowhere to be seen.

No. No! His dark heart throbbed in his chest as red marred his vision. A tornado of familiar cursed energy invaded his senses, screaming for help from the balcony. With the wrath of a thousand suns he ripped the door from its hinges and roared to announce his presence.

Time stood still and he held his breath. He'd been expecting a large group of men and that's exactly what he found. But he didn't expect to find his daughter standing in the middle of their fallen corpses, blood painting her skin as she trembled and looked up at him.


. . . . .

Besu Sukuna did not fear death. Death loomed over her as a constant threat ever since she was old enough to train with her father. She'd felt the grim halt of the world as her father stabbed her through the heart and restored her in the same breath.

So, when she woke up to a knife digging into the supple skin of her throat, she thought her father had finally chosen to end her. But as it quickly turned out, it was not her father.

"Don't make a fuss now," A deep voice barked. "Get up!"

The room overflowed with men in uniforms. Several pairs of hands pulled her out of her bed, where she stood with her head high. Two men on each side grabbed a set of her arms to restrain her, and the man with the knife to her throat glared at her.

"Hate to tell you, Princess, but you're going to die tonight."

"What quarrel do you have with my father?" She asked simply.

"That's no business of yours."

"I have a right to know why I'm dying, you weak fop."

More pressure dug into her skin. He flashed his teeth at her, but she met his gaze with a hard look that rivaled her father's.

"Hiroshi, don't–" A soldier reached out his hand, then jerked it back when the leader - Hiroshi - lashed out at him.

"I'm not an idiot!" He hissed, before turning back to Besu. "You've got a mouth on you, huh? Can't say I'm surprised seeing as you're the Curse King's brat."

I've got quite a few mouths on me, actually. Besu thought, but decided this man didn't deserve the waste of any more oxygen.

"Hmph. No matter. You won't be sassing me for long. As soon as Minato gives the word, you're dead."

Besu stood unphased by the men holding her back. Though Father offered her a wealth of knowledge about curses and cursed techniques, the only thing she'd been able to put into practice had been martial arts and combat. Her innate technique hadn't yet awoken. That left her helpless to them, surrounded as she was.

So when she felt the cold blade break her skin, she expected death. She did not expect a spirit to explode from her chest and rush to her defense. A bright blue mist erupted from her and pummeled through the group of men in the time it took her to breathe. It came to a crouched position in the shape of a glowing blue tiger and turned to her.

"Run, Cub!"

Besu didn't hesitate. Her captors clambered to their feet and chased after her as she darted up the stairs to the balcony. She reached the top and slammed the door behind her, before rushing to the edge of the building. Several floors of the building stretch between her and the pavement.

"FATHER!" She screamed from the railing. Regardless of if he was in hearing range, he'd mastered hearing the panic of her cursed energy. "FATHER, HELP!"

CRACK! The door slammed against the walls as the army of men barreled through the threshold. Besu ran from the edge as they herded her, surrounding her in a circle. Hiroshi, armed with his knife, stepped through the defense line with eyes only for her.

"I have a job to do, brat. And I'll be damned if you keep me from it." He growled, taking a single step towards her.

Once again, a flash of blue materialized between Besu and her attackers. The tiger's frame grew bigger and glowed brighter as it stalked towards the encroaching battalion. Hiroshi yelled an order, but it was too late.

One swipe. One swipe of the tiger's massive paw put half of the army on their backs. Another swipe took out the other side. With speed that matched her father, the tiger left every last opponent on the balcony swimming in their own blood.

Besu stared at the large, spiritual cat in awe and wary fascination.

"Who are you?"

"Your companion, Little Cub. I am Baekho. A spirit bound to you by choice." She explained as she padded forward. "I am here to protect you, not harm you. I will be a part of you wherever you go."

And with that, the tiger transfigured into a blue mist that evaporated right into Besu's body. Besu held her chest and looked at the massacre around her, astounded and confused. When the balcony door flew off its hinges, her head snapped back up to see her father.

"Besu?" He gasped, rushing forward to hold her shoulders.

She couldn't speak. She couldn't move. The world felt surreal, like she lived only in a dream.

"Besu, can you move?" Sukuna's hand brushed over her cheek before he wrenched it back.

Needless to say, he still wasn't happy about the whole "affection" thing.

"Y-Yes, sir." She swallowed thickly, and suddenly she couldn't move fast enough. Her legs tore across the balcony as she paced back and forth. "Th-There was a spirit, Father. A tiger! She said her name was Baekho. I don't know where she came from. Or, well...I do. But she saved me! Or, well, she's a part of me...I think. She was blue, like cursed energy. She went back inside me and told me she was here to protect me. Where did she come from, Father? Is this normal? I know you spoke of cursed spirits bonding to others as a rare occurrence, but–"

Besu felt all four of her father's arms gently guide her to a halt in front of him. His crimson eyes locked on hers.

"Besu, stop. A spirit? A cursed spirit bonded to you? And Baekho! The White Tiger Guardian!" Though Besu feels uncertain, her father's eyes ignite with sadistic excitement. "This is wonderful! This must be a manifestation of your technique! We'll start training it immediately to bring out your full potential!" He grins.

He rambled on for a few moments, but she didn't comprehend his words. Her body wavered under the realization that she'd almost died. Though she'd grown accustomed to facing death, her physical body reacted without consulting her and all four of Besu's arms wrapped around her father in a tight squeeze. Strangled emotions tussled inside her until even the threat of her father's wrath failed to stop her from sobbing into his chest.

And for once? He rubbed her back without a single reprimand.

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