Help me I'm going insane-

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"Well, your reasons cost us thirteen years," Dottore retorted, anger seeping into his words. "Thirteen years of wondering where you were, if you were alive... if you ever thought of us."

Silence fell between them once more, the tension almost palpable. A few paces away, Xiao watched the exchange with a guarded expression, his young face etched with a maturity that was beyond his years.

Finally, Zhongli looked up, meeting Dottore's hard gaze. "I'm sorry, Dottore," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I never meant to hurt you or Xiao."

But Dottore simply shook his head, a bitter smile curling at the corners of his lips. "Your apologies mean nothing anymore, Zhongli. What's done is done."

As the harsh reality of his words sunk in, Zhongli could only stand there in silence, the weight of his past mistakes heavy in his heart. But for Dottore, this was a moment of closure, a moment of reclaiming the life that Zhongli had stolen from him thirteen years ago. It was time to let go of the past and look forward to a future for him and Xiao - a future where they were no longer haunted by the ghost of Zhongli's betrayal.

Zhongli's response was nothing more than a nod, the admission of guilt clear in his downcast gaze. The bustling marketplace around them suddenly felt too loud, too busy. The world was moving, but for Dottore and Zhongli, it felt as if time had stopped.

Dottore looked back at Xiao, his heart aching at the sight of their son. Xiao, who had to grow up too fast because of Zhongli's absence. Xiao, who had to bear the weight of a father's betrayal at such a young age. Xiao, who was the living embodiment of what they once had and what they had lost.

"Dottore," Zhongli finally spoke, breaking the tense silence. "I... I want to make it right."

The statement hung in the air, heavy and loaded. Dottore felt a bitter laugh escape his lips. "Make it right?" he repeated, incredulous. "You think you can just waltz back into our lives and make everything right?"

Zhongli flinched at the harshness in Dottore's tone, but he held his ground. "I can try," he said, his voice steady. "I owe that to you... and to Xiao."

Dottore stared at him for a long while, studying the man in front of him. The man who had loved him once, who had hurt him deeply, and who was now standing in front of him, asking for a chance to atone for his mistakes.

But Dottore knew better than to let the past dictate his future. He had learned that the hard way. "You're right, you do owe us," he admitted. "But that debt is not something you can repay by simply coming back. You left a void, Zhongli. A void that took years to fill."

The silence that followed was deafening. Zhongli looked as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out. Instead, he just nodded, acknowledging the truth in Dottore's words.

"Zhongli, we've moved on," Dottore finally said, his voice firm. "Xiao and I, we've built a life without you. And we'll continue to do so."

With that, Dottore turned around, Xiao following suit. As they walked away, leaving Zhongli standing alone amidst the bustling crowd, Dottore felt a sense of closure he hadn't felt in years. This was their new beginning, a future where they were no longer haunted by the ghost of Zhongli's betrayal.

And as they disappeared into the crowd, Zhongli was left standing alone. A ghost from the past, finally facing the consequences of his actions. A man filled with regret, paying the price for a debt he could never repay.

This was their story. A tale of love and betrayal, of pain and healing, of closure and new beginnings. The tale of Dottore and Zhongli, and the life they had once shared.

And so, the confrontation came to an end, leaving a chill in the air that had little to do with the weather. Zhongli watched Dottore and Xiao walk away, disappearing into the crowd, becoming nothing more than fleeting silhouettes under the falling snow. His heart ached with a pain that was both fresh and all too familiar, a stark reminder of the bond he had severed all those years ago.

He stood there, alone and desolate, amidst the lively hustle and bustle of the marketplace. The world moved on around him, oblivious to the drama that had unfolded. Traders went on shouting their prices, children continued their play, and life carried on as usual. But for Zhongli, the world had come to a standstill.

His past, his choices, and his mistakes loomed over him like a dark cloud, casting a long shadow on the path he had chosen to tread. The reality of the situation hit him hard — he had not only lost Dottore but also his son, Xiao. It was a loss that was entirely his doing, a consequence of his own actions.

As the weight of his regrets settled heavily on his shoulders, Zhongli could only stare at the spot where Dottore and Xiao had disappeared, their figures now indistinguishable from the rest of the crowd. He was left alone with his thoughts and the chilling realization of his solitude. His mistakes had cost him his family, and now he was paying the price.

Meanwhile, Dottore and Xiao were forging ahead, leaving the past and Zhongli behind. They had each other, and that was all they needed. The future awaited them — a future full of promise, healing, and new beginnings. It was a future where they were free from the ghost of Zhongli's betrayal, a future where they could live their lives on their own terms.

Their journey was not going to be easy, but they had each other to lean on. They had survived the storm, and now they were ready to face whatever came their way. Together, they would build a life that was their own, a life that Zhongli had no part in.

And so, they walked on, their figures gradually disappearing into the crowd, swallowed by the sea of people until they were nothing more than a distant memory in Zhongli's mind. It was a harsh but necessary reminder of what he had lost and a life he could never reclaim.

As the snow continued to fall, blanketing the world in a layer of white, Zhongli was left standing alone in the crowd, a solitary figure in a world that had moved on without him. His heart was heavy with regret and longing, but there was nothing he could do to change the past.

He could only stand there, staring at the spot where Dottore and Xiao had disappeared, the echo of their departure ringing in his ears. The bustling marketplace, once filled with life and laughter, now seemed cold and empty. And Zhongli, once a part of a family, was now nothing more than a stranger in the crowd.

In the end, this was their story — a tale of love and betrayal, of loss and redemption, of broken bonds and new beginnings. It was a story that was as complex and layered as the characters themselves, a story that was as much about their journey as it was about their destination.

And as the final chapter came to a close, the curtain fell on the tale of Dottore, Zhongli, and Xiao, leaving behind a legacy of love, pain, and resilience that would be remembered for generations to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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