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««-------- ≪ °◇◆◇° ≫ --------»»

ALARMS BLARED IN THE DISTANCE AS STICKS SNAPPED BELOW HER FEET. she could feel her feet being torn up from the rocks and branches, making her wince in pain. she needed to continue to run. she couldn't be caught. she looked back as she continue to run, hoping the guards weren't catching up to her. she could see a glimpse of a  and flashlight between the branches, the man walking slowly, not wanting to scare her away even more. the gown that was on her body was ripped from tree branches getting snagged. 

the girl stepped out onto a road, screaming as she saw headlights and a horn. she put her hands up in defense, causing the truck to fly into a tree. she opened her eyes, looking at the truck that just almost killed her. she knew she needed to continue to run, but instead she walked over to it. the man who was driving it was slumped, his head on the steering wheel. she didn't notice the branch that went through the window, straight into his chest. the girl could hear guards in the distance, yelling her number. "012!"

the girl looked at the man, tears in her eyes. she turned away from the truck and began to run down the road. her legs were practically giving out, her eyes were tired. blood ran down her nose and ears, causing her vision to go blurry from the blood loss. she found a driveway with lights heading up it. she had no other choice. the girl ran down the driveway, seeing in the window of a home was a man sitting on the couch, watching something. she ran up to the door, knocking on it. 

the man opened the door with a glare, but his face immediately softened seeing the injured girl. he noticed the tattoo on her arm and her buzzed head, causing him to look around. "help." the girl whispered. the man knew that this was a bad idea, but he nodded, letting the girl in his home. he immediately locked the door and shut the curtains, knowing that she was definitely being hunted down. 

"what happened?" the man asked as the girl looked around nervously, "you're safe here." he grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around the girl, "are you being looked for?"

"bad men."

"okay." he looked at the shaking girl, "i'm matthew." the girl blankly stared at him, causing the man to scratch his head. a moment later there was a knock on the door, causing the two to jump. the man grabbed the girl, "listen to me, i'm going to hide you." the girl froze, "you're safe with me."

she reluctantly nodded and let the man hide her below the stairs in a gun room. he locked the door, leaving the girl alone and freezing. she sat down on the ground, hearing the man open the door. "hello sir, how can i help you?" matthew asked, leaning on the doorframe. in front of him was a man dressed as a police officer. matthew noticed a drop of blood that was on the porch, making him reach back into his home, scrapping his finger on a nail that was placed in the wall. he winced in pain as the officer tried to step in his home, "woah buddy, do you have a permit to be in here?"

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