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Hi, my name's Lexi, and thank you so much for reading. This is a small get-to-know-me I made because I want to connect with my friends and readers on here more. I'll probably update this every couple months because I change so much all the time lol!

I started writing at a very young age. As a child, I would write stupid songs and stories in little notebooks I hoarded (I still hoard notebooks; it's an ongoing problem). Now, years later, I still love writing a lot and I've improved so much. I write songs, poems, short stories, and fanfiction. I'm also involved in the Creative Writing club and class at my school, which is really fun. I definitely recommend other writers to join clubs and classes your community provides because it helps tremendously with motivation and its overall a good experience. For me, writing is how I cope with stress and difficulties in my life, and by joining the Wattpad community and finding writer friends, I've realized I'm not alone in this world. I hope you all enjoy my stories as much as I do; they mean everything to me.

My other passion aside from writing is music. This might sound insane, but I didn't listen to very much music as a kid until about sixth grade. My music taste has drastically changed over the past few years, and I have very diverse Spotify playlists, but I think that's what makes music so amazing. There's so many genres and artists to explore. I'm obsessed with Conan Gray at the moment, like I genuinely can't keep that man out of my head for more than a few minutes. I'll basically listen to any music genre except for country, and my favorite genres are pop, rock, and musicals. I've also written my own music in the past, but I haven't written many songs in a while. I love to sing and play instruments; I play clarinet in concert/marching/pep band and piano in my free time.

I discovered my third passion at the beginning of this school year. I took part in my school play and I absolutely loved it. I love being on stage and having fun with friends backstage. I then did the school musical and played the part of the stepsister in Roger & Hammerstein's Cinderella, and I crushed it! It was one of the best times of my life, even surpassing marching band. I gained a lot of confidence being onstage and singing in front of people. I'm forever grateful I discovered all three of these wonderful passions I have.

I'm sorry if this was just me ranting about myself, but I'm not sure what else to write about. I think sharing my passions shows who I am as a person very clearly. Anyway, below are some pictures of me. I know that's all you came for anyway lol.

 I know that's all you came for anyway lol

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(a photoshoot in my room)

(a photoshoot in my room)

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(0.5 in Creative Writing class lol)

(me and my friends in our band kid gear)

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(me and my friends in our band kid gear)

(me in my blue and white dress in the play)

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(me in my blue and white dress in the play)

(me in my blue and white dress in the play)

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(me as the stepsister in Cinderella)

(musical again cuz I love my green dress)

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(musical again cuz I love my green dress)

(my dress from homecoming aka one of the most traumatic events of my life)

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(my dress from homecoming aka one of the most traumatic events of my life)

I hope you learned something new about me. Love you all, and stay gold!

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