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Mr Thomas explained the project and then put some kind of permission slips on his desk, telling us about the upcoming field trip to Savanah. 'Could we at least talk once? If we continue at this rate, we might as well fail the semester!!' I thought looking at everyone, Tyler was staring at me with a scowl. Honestly, he is a jerk. "If we're not going to talk to each other now, how about we make a group chat? That why it can be easier to do this project." I suggested, gently smiling at everyone, trying to ease the tense atmosphere. "That's a great idea Tk!!" Aiden said, wait did he call me Tk? What does that mean? "Hey, did you call me Tk?" I asked, looking at him, he nodded his head and smiled more. "I thought of it while Mr Thomas was explaining the field trip. Tk just means 'Trauma killer' since you're very outgoing, talkative, friendly and nice, you probably kill trauma for a lot of people, so Tk is the nickname, I made for you." I nodded in understanding as his explanation was valid and I actually did like the nickname. "Okay you can call me that and I'll call hah! I'll call you pk, it means 'psycho kid' since you're kinda like the psycho of the group." He smiled and laughed a bit, honestly concerned about his mental health but he is the psycho kid of the group so I guess that makes sense..I don't know honestly.

"I like it, thanks Tk." I nodded and started to take the others number's and creating a group chat. "There! Now we can all redeem ourselves by making this project the best one in the whole class and passing or at least learning to communicate with others because some of you seem like jerks *cough* I'm not going to say names or anything but that's all I have to say." Tyler was glaring at me, I think he found out that I was talking about him. The class ended and people walked out the class, taking permission slips for the field trip off of Mr Thomas's desk, I walked passed them and so did Lynn. We were about to get out of the door when Adien spoke, "Aren't you two going?" I was about to speak when Lynn did it first. "No, we're not going." She then dragged me away from him and Ben. I waved goodbye to them, we sat at the cafeteria and ate in silence, it was nice and peaceful with an occasional conversation starting between us but most of it was silent except for the chatter going on around us.

●| Timeskip|●

Me and Lynn just got home and we were sitting on the couch with mom and dad when someone knocked on the door. It was Ben, Aiden and their family. Looks like they came over for dinner. "Tk, are yout wo going to come to the trip to Savanah yet?" Aiden said with his usual grin. Our parents looked at Lynn and then at me, I simply shrugged my shoulders, Aiden's father than spoke. "It is about their semester long group project, they're going on a trip to Savanah." My dad nodded and Aiden gave us permission slips. "Here, I thought you might need these." I took the two slips and gave him a nudge on the shoulder, "Thanks Pk, you're not that bad for a psycho." I laughed as Aiden laughed along with me, I think this is a good friendship we started, it's shabby and a bit weird but we can make it work. As time went on the dinner party went well after Aiden and his family left, mom and Lynn instantly flopped onto the couch, letting out sighs of reliefs. "Finally, it's over." Mom said, grabbing a bag of chips, "I thought they'd never leave." Lynn spoke up getting all comfortable on the couch. "I thought they were nice." Dad said sitting down on the armchair, I nodded in agreement to his statement, they seem nice. "And it's good to meet people and socialize." I added on, Lynn and mom looked at me with a bored look and spoke at the same time, "I'd rather do something else." Dad and I sweatdropped, they really were similar sometimes. "Okay." I spoke with a nervous smile, I then started to undo my hair and get ready for dinner, I'll do my homework after dinner anways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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