𑁍𝗦𝗮𝗺 𝗚𝗼𝗹𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗵~𝗟𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𑁍

491 10 13

TW~Blood, kidnapping and violence.


My heart was racing with excitement as I clenched onto Sam's hand tightly. "Are we almost there, Sam? I can't wait to explore the abandoned house with you and Colby!" I squealed with delight as we trudged through the dense forest.

I was only 7 years old, but I've dreamed about exploring places with Sam and Colby. They always seemed so care free, and they loved exploring. I was always jealous but excited when Sam would come home and tell me about his adventures.

Sam chuckled softly and ruffled my hair, his warm smile making me feel safe and happy. "Almost there, little sis. Just a few more minutes," he said reassuringly.

Colby grinned at me from beside Sam, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "You ready for this, Y/N? It's gonna be a wild adventure," he teased, his voice filled with excitement.

I nodded eagerly, my eyes wide with anticipation. I had always looked up to Sam and Colby, and I couldn't believe that I was finally getting the chance to go exploring with them. It was a dream come true for me.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally arrived at the abandoned house. It loomed ominously in front of us, its windows boarded up and the paint peeling off the walls. I shivered with excitement as Sam and Colby led me inside, their flashlights cutting through the darkness.

As we wandered through the dusty rooms, I couldn't contain my excitement. "This is so cool, guys! I can't believe we're actually here!" I exclaimed, my voice echoing through the empty corridors.

Sam and Colby laughed at my enthusiasm, their laughter ringing through the air. "We're glad you're having fun, Y/N. Just remember to stick close to us, okay?" Sam reminded me, his voice filled with concern.

I nodded eagerly, promising to stay by their side. But as we explored further into the house, my excitement got the better of me. I saw something shiny glinting in the corner of the room and without thinking, I wandered off to investigate.

"Hey, wait up, Y/N!" Colby called after me, but I was too caught up in my own little world to listen. I bent down to pick up the shiny object, a smile on my face.

But suddenly, two rough hands grabbed me from behind, pulling me away from the safety of Sam and Colby. At first, I laughed, thinking it was just one of them playing a prank on me. But when I turned around, my laughter turned into a scream of horror. However, the man coveted my mouth to stop my cries for help.

It wasn't Sam or Colby who had grabbed me. It was a stranger, a man with a sinister smile on his face. Before I could react, he started hitting me, his blows raining down on me mercilessly. I tried to scream for help, but the man's grip on my mouth was too strong.

I felt myself losing consciousness as the room spun around me. The last thing I saw was the man's cruel smile before everything went dark.

When I finally awoke, I was lying in the back of a van, my head throbbing with pain. The man was nowhere to be seen, but I knew that he had taken me away from Sam and Colby. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the gravity of the situation.

I frantically looked around, trying to figure out where we were going. The van was speeding down the empty road, the trees blurring past us. I knew that I had to do something or else I would never see Sam and Colby again. But, as I tried to get up, I felt weak, and my consciousness slipped from my grasp again.


"Y/N! We're going! Where are you?" I called out as me and Colby looked at each other with fear in our eyes. "Where the hell is she? Y/N!" I yelled again, only to be met with silence.

"Wait, what that?" Colby whispered as he pointed to something on the floor. We walked over to the object and I picked it up. Y/N's bracelet. The one I gave her when she turned 5 years old. "Colby, she's missing! She's never taken this braclet off."

Tears welled in my eyes as I realised my little sister was taken from us. I was supposed to protect her as her big brother, but I failed.

"Sam, we'll find her, let's go home call the Police, and give them the information." Colby said as he patted my back, tears welling in his eyes too.

We grabbed our backpacks, as I put the bracelet on my own wrist, and then headed to the car. When we arrived home, we called the police and gave them all of the information. Now, all we could do was wait.

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