#20. Daily Prayers

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Morning Prayer:
Jesus, thank You for taking on flesh and living among us. Thank You for all of the great miracles that You performed, and for all of the lives that You touched. Please send Your Spirit and fill me with Your power so that I may be used by You to do mighty things for Your name's sake. Work through me to Your glory. In Jesus' name, amen.
With God all things are possible


Narcissist...That word is a kill.
Imagine being a child grabbing up in and home where you can't be a kid. You can't speak about your pain, all you can do is hide in your room listen to music but not too loud and cry.
Cuz you don't know right from left, down from up.
Being told that whatever guy I get with is going to have to hit me cuz I talk too much, by siblings and a father who is supposed to protect you.
I don't blame my siblings they was only repeating what they heard. I never understood the fullness of the words that was spoken over my life and to me.
But it's sickening to me, that a person would tell a child she needs a man who is going to be abusive to her.
Just so she doesn't stand up for herself, and that's not the worst part. The worst part is letting that same person meet your mate and you up rapped, abuse and healed against your will.
With the walls around you trying to close you in. But you having to fight back and pray, cuz you read your word and you know that it wasn't what God had for you. Knowing that's not what God said relationship should be like when you're engaged or married.
How did I make it out God.
I'm no longer that person I'm am God child.

Night Prayer:
Heavenly Father, You alone are faithful. You keep Your promises and Your word never fails. I confess that I have been careless with vows and promises. Help me to consider the weight of my words and to temper my promises with wisdom, so that I may oblige myself only to the things that I can do, and the things that honor You. In Jesus' name, amen

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