7 Better Date

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I've recently been planing an new date to make up for the last one I still feel bad for well everything p won't mess this one up will I? I'm still in bed with frank nearly done planing he's still asleep he's an deep sleeper he'll be awake soon I wanna surprise him with the new date I planned to take him to an theme park he has told me before he likes theme parks so I saved up for one and it's going to be great in fixated on making this perfect for him he deserves it in fact he deserves the world "morning y/n you look excitied?" we both sit up "ive planned an better date for us I know you told me that you like theme parks so I got us both an ticket for today since we're not busy" the moment I finish my sentence he begins to smile I knew he'd love it "thank you what time do we go?" I got tickets for after lunch so we have some time to get ready and eat " he almost instantly jumps out of bed grapping my hand" come on let's make breakfast all ready " he drags me down the stairs as I struggle to keep up he rushes to grab are favourite cereal I've never seen him so excited before" someone excited I'm glad your happy " he turns round with are cearel he finally slows down" yeah I am quite excited I haven't been to one in years " I smile at him" I'm really glad your happy now cmon Mr very happy let's eat so we can get ready "
(time skip to 4 mins /before we go)

" I got Google maps ready I'll type the address in then we can go but promise you'll be okay driving you still very jumpy an excited" I turn to frank he nods an takes an deep breath we begin driving it's an hour away
(time skip to after the drive)
"hey wake up were here" Frank taps my shoulder "hey let's go on are 2nd or are we gunna forget the last one and act likes it's are 1st?" we get out the car and he says "let's act like it's are first and ignore the other one" we smile and hold hands as we walk in he doesn't usually go outside without the mask now we've been out an few times without his mask I'm glad he's getting comfortable

(you 2 stay there the whole day here's an ideas of what you went on) 👇👇👇👇

(you 2 stay there the whole day here's an ideas of what you went on) 👇👇👇👇

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"y/n this is the best thank you so much for everything I was thinking one day I the future we could have pet names just dont if your not comfortable with it" (now BTW u 2 have been together for at least an month and an half) "I'm quite comfy with ...

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"y/n this is the best thank you so much for everything I was thinking one day I the future we could have pet names just dont if your not comfortable with it"
(now BTW u 2 have been together for at least an month and an half)
"I'm quite comfy with that we've been together for an month and an half I think that perfect timing what we're you thinking for the pet names" we begin walking back to the car wilsht he was thinking "my ideas was babe do you like it?" tli turn to him "yeah I think it's cute like you" he smiles after my compliment "thanks babe your the sweetest 😊" as we drive home I smile at him I'm glad to have him
My phone begins to vibrate oh SHIT... it's Sarah
Sarah💅:hey I might have gotten an divorce with Ryan already he is an sexist cunt and BTW Jake helped out with this bc he liked what you said to him your new name on his phone for you is Mrs subero savage 🤣 yes with the emoji
You : I'm not married but sure is Jake in this new group chat I wanna tell him I'm still not married but glad you divorce him and sorry if I ruined that date
Sarah💅: it's okay you didn't Ryan did silly
Jake🍔: yeah Mrs subero savage ik your not married it just has an ring to it like your finger soon 💍🤣
You: yutani bressler. It HaS aN rInG tO iT 💍🖕
Jake🍔: god dammit why that gotta bite me in the ass you know I like her you slight cunt
You: hence why I said it stupid 🤦🏼‍♀️
You: anyway I just got home so I'm gunna go now bc I am tried my ass needs coffee and some sleep 😩🖐️
"come on sleepy let's get an coffee an watch it (the movie) bc Ive been waiting to see that and why does your brother call you Mrs subero savage?" Frank looks puzzle I giggle "I assume he wants us to be married and he liked what I said to Ryan so they named the group after me and changed my contact to Mrs subero savage" he turns crimson red and hides his face I lift his face out his hands "hey it's okay to be flushed thats why he said it" I gently kiss him "do you want to start the movie now?" Frank still slightly flushed nods and we snuggle up for it (the movie)

(Pls check chat it's important!)

 Subway Love frank (subway surfers) x reader (female) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora