
23 1 3

"Gosh, my feet were hurting me" I whispered to myself. I truly believed heels were designed by the devil.

I was just getting into the hotel lobby after spending the evening and part of the night at some incredibly boring work event in Australia.

I was more than ready to just take a shower and go to bed, today had been a long day. As I was approaching the elevator something on my right caught my eyes all of a sudden. The light was very deem so I had to really look to be able to decipher what it was... or rather who it was.

I soon realized that a man was sitting down on the floor halfway passed out. I thought to myself should I just pretend I didn't see him...
I mean I was really really tired.

I decided against it, the stranger looked like he really could use some help. Plus he didn't seem creepy just very drunk at best.

I looked around to see if someone else might be around but the lobby was completely empty, not even one employee behind the front desk, nor was there any security working at the door. Not very safe I thought but it was 3 in the morning after all.

I slowly walked over to the man who was still sitting looking absolutely clueless. He did not even look up when I came up to him. He must be completely hammered cause my heels are definitely not soundproof.

I was now right in front of him so I just said " Hello, sir". But nothing, the man didn't react at all. So I just tried again louder this time "Excuse me sir, are you alright ?". Finally he opened his eyes, immediately I could tell he was lost. He looked around and then his eyes settled on me, well more or less cause he was struggling to keep them open.

" Do I know you ?" he answered me, taken aback by his answer I quickly said "No...". " It's just that you are sitting in an hotel lobby by yourself in the middle of the night. I thought you might need some help". After i was done talking, it looked like he finally took in his surroundings. He looked around for a few moments and then his eyes were back on mine. He hesitated but then said "I don't know... I think I fell asleep". Honestly I was starting to regret coming up to him, it looked like he had no idea how he got here. He even could not be staying here for all I knew.

"Is there anyone I can call, someone you know that could help you ?", please let there be someone I thought, I don't want to deal with him much longer. He tried to speak but his words were slurred and I couldn't make out what he was saying. Perfect, seriously why didn't I just try to look for someone instead of coming up to him....

" Mart... Martin" he finally managed to get out. That must be one of his friends i told myself, I just need to get ahold of this Martin and then he could take care of his friend and I could sleep at last.

" Okey, do you have your phone, I can give your friend a call so that he can come pick you up, okey?". He just nodded as an answer. Alright, best if he doesn't say much, I thought. He then started reaching out for his pockets to grab his phone. There was nothing in his trousers' left pocket so he went for the right one. He reached inside but only retrieved a wallet and no phone....

I sighed... looking at him I realized he wasn't wearing any jacket and he had no bag with him. So his phone could have only been in the pockets he had just went through. This is getting more and more complicated. "Fuck... I think I lost my phone on the way here" he said. " Yes... looks like you have" I replied now looking around desperately. I turned back to him and he was looking at me. He seemed kinda sorry for being such trouble, like a kid caught doing something bad. " It's alright, you should go... it's my fault, I'm drunk" he admitted. Continuing he added " I'll take care of myself, it's late and you must be tired, just leave me...".

The idea was tempting don't get me wrong, but I felt bad about leaving him behind. So I got closer and reached down to where he was. That's when I noticed the watch he was wearing, I'm no specialist but even I could tell it was a very expensive one. I don't know why i was so surprised, this hotel is the most luxurious one in Melbourne.

" Can I look through you wallet ? Maybe your hotel key card is in there." One again he answered by nodding. Good for him I'm no thief because his wallet was full of cash. Seriously who walks around with that much cash in their pockets besides idiots ? I mean especially if you're planning to get shitfaced.

I got back to searching his wallet and stumbled upon his ID. I looked, curious to find out what the stranger's name was...

" Max Verstappen ..." I whispered.

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