Chapter 1

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Delilah wakes up and sighs. She misses her alarm every single day which leads her to be late at school almost every single day. She is tired of the bullshit and boring conversation she will be having with her professor later at school. She was giving it a second thought if she should go to school or just skip it and sleep more. She decided to go as her finals were coming up and she really had to get her butt into studies.

Delilah enters her classroom and have  ''the conversation" with her teacher. She goes to her sit and gestures her friends "hi". They did the same.Delilah was a very extrovert person. She liked doing  the "typical" things a 17 years old kid would like. But one thing has been bugging her since someday. Delilah decides to tell about what's  on her mind to her friends during lunch hour. Then she concentrates on her class and actually tries to study as her finals were coming up and she doesn’t even remember the last time she sat to study.

During lunch time delilah and her friends were chit-chatting about random stuffs.  Delilah was kinda hesitating to tell what she had to tell but she makes up her mind that she would tell them and she didn't give too much shit about other people's opinion so it was alright.

Delilah: guys! I have something on my mind and i just cant stop thinking about it. I thought  i needed to share it with someone i trust

Maddie: yeah, go ahead. Is it a guy?

Jazmin : Don’t  tell me you have  a crush on jason. I saw you staring at him at the party yesterday. He is a jerk.

Delilah: chill it y'all. Its not about any guy.  Its just that. Um...i've been getting visions or should i call it dreams?!

Maddie: What do you mean? Visions of what?

Jazmine: Maddie let her finish first.

Delilah: i dont know.... But It's been like a few months since i'm getting these dreams.  These are different from any other dreams i ever had. These feels so real and uncomfortable.
The visions are usually like i'm with a guy. It looks like we are really close to eacasleep.r. But whatever vision i see. It always end with a scene where that guy is drowning and asking for help from under water. I tried to help him but couldn’t save him. I don't  know how to feel about this "vision" thing.

Jazmine: Is the guy from the vision someone you know? Someone around you? What does he look like

Delilah: i never saw his face. I don't  know why i didn’t  see his face. Everytime i look at him i do see his face but after the vision i can never recall what he looked like at all i tried to make a sketch of him. But i just can't.

Maddie: Are you sure this "vision" thing ain't happening because of stress for the upcoming finals.

Delilah : I didnt even think about studying till today's morning. So i am pretty sure this ain't from stress.

Jazmine: Do you know the places you see in your vision?

Delilah: Its usually in a house beside a beautiful lake. I don't  think i have ever seen a  house like the one i see but for some reason i like every part of the house. Its so "my type".

Jazmine: Thats fuc*ing weird guys. I dont know what to say. Do you think you need to visit a doctor and talk about it?

Delilah: nope,  not yet. Its fine.  Its not like my life is getting an effect from it. I am not trying to lose even one penny in a unnecessary doctor's appointment

Maddie : you've always been cheap as hell

Delilah : and you've always had short height (she teases maddie saying it cause maddie gets mad whenever someone makes fun of her height)

Jazmine: Cut it out guys. The lunch hour is almost finished.  We should get going. 

Delilah finishes her school and returns home,  does some homework and cooking,  watches a movie.  She checks the clock before falling asleep 01.00 am, 19th august. Then she falls asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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