Chapter 8

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Plawan packs his things and prepares to move into chef Aob's restaurant.

Previously the young model suffered from  tendinitis in his wrists so severe that he had to stop exercising. JJ suggested that he at least rests for about two months until the wrist gets  better. If he insists on continuing to this arm, it may lead to surgery. Initially, he had planned to stop accepting jobs for now because if you couldn't keep the figure going, it would be unfair to the clients.

He sat down and parked his bags as if he was moving to boarding school.He could not prepare much of clothes and personal belongings. He could only prepare some sports wear and sports shoes. One mobile phone would be enough,there are ten of thousands of series he hasn't finished watching. The job of a chef is probably tough. The young man looked down at his hands in deep thought.

' You must not use your wrists beyond your strength. If you feel pain, you must stop immediately and apply a cold compress, do you understand? Every day after work,you have to soak your hand in warm water and stretch your muscles like I taught you. Do you understand, Plawan? Don't let yourself get hurt to the point of needing surgery. I'm your friend. This is my order,you have to do it!'

The voice of his best friend, a physical therapist, haunted his ears everywhere. JJ complained and groaned that working in the kitchen was like not giving his wrists a chance to rest,especially if you have to lift pans or heavy equipment or use  your wrists for a long time. He complained in the morning,afternoon and evening for him to focus on healing himself. There's nothing to worry about. His friend  talked as if he was going to die. He even asked me to keep in touch with him to see how my hand was progressing.

"Oh, you've come."

Kluea was the one who came to open the restaurant door. Plawan arrived after the restaurant closed. It was around 10:00 p.m, because he didn't want to come when work was busy. Once chef Aob agreed to take him on, he had two days to prepare before moving into the restaurant. At that time he had finished talking with the Methas group and cleared his advertising and shooting schedule, then played around for a while, before preparing himself to not go out for a long time.

"Oh, please introduce yourself. "

Plawan said, carrying his bag along with his senior. The atmosphere is like Pojaman bringing Chalom to Ban Sai Thong. Chef Aob's shop is a Japanese style detached house with a garden and a small parking lot. Even though it is deep in the Soi Ari alley, it still has a lot of space.

This house has three floors, the ground floor is a restaurant, kitchen, living room, chef's room and raw materials storage room. The second floor is the staff room. It has five small rooms and a bathroom.The top floor is the Twilight zone. Another translation is the chef's safe space and I don't know what else. Chef Aob said that if you don't have  important business, it's best not to go up. That's the Twilight Zone.

"Right now there are 9 employees in the restaurant. If I include you, there are exactly 10 people as chef planned.  In the meantime, we have to do all the work like employees. Because they are no other employees in the restaurant. There will be only be maids  from outside companies who will come in the morning and return in the evening."

He nodded his head in acknowledgement while following Kluea along the path.

"You live in the same room as me,the last room among ten people. "

Kluea opened the door. The room was like a university dormitory. The size is not big but not too small and can accommodate two people well. If you look at it,this is not bad. Just pretend you're on vacation and sleeping in a dormitory.

"Your name is Phi Kluea, right? My name is Plawan. " he introduced himself.

"How old are you. "


"Same age, no need to call me Phi. "Kluea answered. The young model nodded but he was, still confused how to call him. Just Kluea? He seems easy to talk to, humorous and easier to make friends with. He doesn't always have a grumpy face like chef Aob who is boring to death.

"Krap, Khun Kluea. "

The other party laughed in response, smiling until their eyes narrowed. Why is it that in his life, he meets good natured wide eyed people, such as JJ and Kluea, while annoying people always have round eyes like pouting dogs like Methas and chef Aob.

"So,have you eaten?"

The first friend in his new career asked. He was silent while thinking. Today he woke up around noon, ate one meal, dragged his stomach until evening and ate again.

" Not yet...." Plawan answered while rubbing his stomach.

The six pack is still complete, so he can still eat more. At least the other party is chef Kluea.The taste is probably worth stuffing into your mouth at nearly 11:00 p.m.

"Can you make me something to eat? "

They were just friends and he immediately begged. He was hungry and he had to eat. Kluea heard this and laughed and said he would prepare something to fill his stomach. He took this opportunity and followed his new friend to the kitchen again.

"Wow ...."

This is the first time Plawan has officially entered the restaurant's kitchen. The kitchen is very spacious, almost as big as the area where customers sit and eat. It wasn't unusual for ten people to cram into it. Everywhere he looked, he saw only shiny stainless steel, separated into zones: the preparation section and the cooking section.

"Is there anything you can't eat. "

"Huh,no...,I can eat it all."

He answered without thinking because Plawan was known to eat anything in its path. Kluea arranges things here and there with ease like a device was part of his body. Meanwhile he also talked about working in the restaurant. The more I listened to him,the more I understood.

In fact,not all ten employees work in the kitchen at the same time. Because every day on average there are one to two people who have a day off.  The morning shift includes waking up early to prepare food and preparing the ingredients for dinner. As for the afternoon shift,they are tasked with welcoming lunch guests and staying until the shop closes.

When preparing raw materials, everyone will come and help prepare them, but when the food is ready, there must be at least one person who takes care of the customers and helps in serving and collecting the dishes. Actually there will be around 3 to 4 people in the kitchen along with chef Aob as the executive chef who will prepare each main dish himself.

"Oh,it smells so good. "

Plawan leaned forward to watch Kluea start cooking. The food he is making is stir-fried with basil. He pounded new and fresh chillies and garlic. The meat used is minced pork. He looked at the scene in front of him in amusement. Everything seemed to work out, Kluea was able to do everything smoothly. He thought about himself and felt miserable, he had destroyed JJ's kitchen to shreds.

"Dry or not? "


He answered without thinking. If you eat stir fried basil,it has to be fast, its more delicious this way. Chewy noodles are fun to chew. Kluea cut the meat quickly. He also left the noodles to cool for a moment. Then stir fried it with basil .Kluea uses the pan with amazing skill. His left hand stirred the pan and  the basil leaves until evenly mixed. His right hand used a spatula to stir and make a swishing sound until his stomach rumbled.

This must be delicious. The noodles in that work sure are delicious.I want to eat them.

"Bon Appetit"

Kluea placed the serving plate in front of him. Plawan had already prepared cutlery, then pulled up a chair to sit and eat in the kitchen. His eyes  sparkled. 'Which should I eat first? Everything is deliciouous' He used a fork to roll the noodles into a ball, before tucking the end into a large piece of minced pork, he scooped it up and put it in his mouth before speaking with sparkling eyes.


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