In matter of seconds I heard a loud voice , DANG!!!!

And in a second , all I could feel was getting collided to the either sides of car and getting lots of bruises .
Lastly a feeling of soft mattress which was probably airbag but it didn't reduce my pain .
I was trying to looked here and there but my neck was stuck somewhere or probably it was injured .

Our vehicle was burned , we all were out of the vehicle lying on the road .
Everything was fiery around us . Yet the rain kept pouring on us .
And at the very end , everything I could see and hear was my parents lying infront of me with blood on them still trying to come closer to me while crawling while trying to wake me up .

My eyesight became blurry and I don't know what happened next .

And that's how it might have ended ........
That night might have ended everything .....

Feels like the story met it's end at the beginning . Did the story end here ? Does it have nothing ahead ?

No . Never . The story hasn't ended yet .
The real story starts now . The thirst to live and survive in this world and get what I deserve . The desire to let this world know that I do deserve something better and not to be treated like a slave or a daughter of a betrayer .

Was my father even betrayer ? He was himself betrayed , wasn't he ?


Present :- 15 June 2024 .

" Bhaiya , Roy Industries , Malabar hill ." I said getting into the cab which I booked .

" Didi , 35 minutes lagenge . Aaj traffic bahot hai barrish ki vajah se ." He said when I sat inside while checking up my purse to find my phone .
(" Sister , it'll take 35 minutes . today , there's lot of traffic due to rain .")

" Okay ." I nodded while checking the message section in my phone .

The Roy Industries , the splendid company of whole Mumbai or maybe even whole nation , known for the great evolution done by Rajendra Roy in computer science field and it's research on developing it's software designs .

He has never revealed much about his personal life . He's very sophisticated .
He's minimalist .

The craze he started in 1990 about computer science , no one has ever defeated him and his ideas till this date .
Despite of his age he always cracked every single deals he presented .

I always wanted to be one of those epitomes , like these great personalities but life has different things to serve me .
Being a CS engineer with a master's degree from reputed colleges like IIT , I hoped to be owner of my own company based on same trade .

But ........ Situation wasn't the same with the situation where I shriveled up this dream . Atleast at this point of my life I hoped to have a normal job .
Since the day I applied for a employment in this company , my heart beat races whenever a notification pops up thinking it might be from the company .

Yesterday when I received the notification , it triggered my eyes . I left my dinner in middle just to see that notification .
But my efforts wasn't worth .

The company did reply to my application but they offered me to be the secretary of the newly appointed CEO of their company .
I was offended by their offer , how could they change the criteria of the application ?
But I had no option since I was the one who needed it .
I needed to decrease the burden on my family of financial terms

Thinking for whole night with some discussions with my elder brothers , I decided to give this job a hit all of sudden . I can resign if I don't like , can't I ?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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