The Blood Tears of BT: A Creepy Encounter

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BT was chilling and drinking his sorrows away due to his depression. Questiony enters, saying, "What's wrong BT?" as he is confused and stupid but still trying to help. BT tries to explain while tears of blood run down his face. He gets a phone call from his lovely wife and just realizes that he missed a bunch of calls from her. He picks up the phone, and says, "HI. wassup," as he laughs nervously when he realizes he messed up big.

His lovely wife was named FF. She said on the phone, "Questiony fucked me again, BT. Can you please get him or something please 😔?" She said this with a depressing tone, but there was one problem. BT replied, "Umm, FF, Questiony is with me though?" he said in a confused tone. Then, he asked Questiony, "Hey, Question Boi, did you make a clone or something?" Questiony shook his head no.

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