
As I'm running still not knowing where I'm going I see my sister sunset calling me, I hesitantly then answer

Hey sis, are you okay?

No.. sunset why is it always me? Can't I get a fucking break?!?

Hey hey, I know you're frustrated right now. But y/n.. you'll be okay, here where are you?

I- I don't know... I just ran without  thinking...

That's fine! You have your location on right? Is there anywhere you can go?

Um.. there's this cafè called "Ezra's treats"

Y/n go there and stay. I'll be there! I'm just still at the school... I'm looking for twilight right now, but when I find her me and her will go to you immediately! Okay?

Alright... thank you sunset I love you..

I love you too sis.

Beep beep beep

Okay. There it is. I guess I'll go in and get a treat..

I mean... flash doesn't mean that right...? He can't leave me for some girl he met 3 months ago... and I have no clue why Aaron is so obsessed wit-

Before I can continue to think I bump into someone making me snap back to reality

"Cocksucker!" I yell in frustration while rubbing my forehead

"Oh hey, I'm so sorry about that miss, are you alright?" A guy voice says to me as I shot my head up looking at him

"O-oh yea! I'm so sorry for saying that!" I say with sorrow

"No you're fine!" He reassured me

"Okay good.. sorry I just got so lost in my thoughts" I say crossing my arms

"No it's fine, happens to the best of us, right? But I can't help to ask are you alright? You look kind of stressed" he pointed out as I sigh

"Is it that noticeable?" I say looking at him

"Yea kind of sorry! But i was just heading to that cafè over there? Wanna talk about it?" He asks as I hesitate

"Yea why not!" I say walking towards him

"So what's your name?" I asked

"Jayden, jayden Lorenzo" he says as I widen my eyes

"Oh your that guy in my class! I'm y/n l/n!" I say as he looks at me

"Oh yea! That's cool! That teacher is such a bitch oh my goodness" he said rolling his eyes

"No yea she totally is! She's always up my ass!" I complain as he nods in agreement

Who is she.?| flash sentry x fem! Reader book 1~Where stories live. Discover now