"You're already asking something through?" Seungcheol smirked.


"Haha! Sorry, go ahead."

"Weren't you scared?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, scared if this is the right choice for us, for Chan, for everyone around us. We both have a lot on our plate right now. Will this make things better or worse? Those are the real questions here."

"Is that what's been keeping you up all night?"

"You have no idea." Jeonghan sighed.

"Dude, who even has all the answer to all that?"

"I'm serious!"

"Well, I'm not gonna lie. I've thought of that too."

"Still, you seemed so sure last night. What made you do it?"

"How about you? What made you pull me in for that kiss?"

"Hey, I asked you first! Don't throw it back at me!" Jeonghan blushed lifting his head off Seungcheol's shoulder.

"Hahaha! Simply because whatever we do whether we get together or not. The hurdles we have to face will still be there. But no matter how I look at it... There's not a single possible situation where I'd be better off without you." Seungcheol smiled. "Because it's you, Han. I know you. I'm not betting on just anyone here."

"That's it?"

"Sorry, I'm a simple-minded man."

"Please, you wouldn't want to hear mine."

"Oh, now you really have to tell me."

"Well, it's what I wanted." Jeonghan held Seungcheol's hands dropping his forehead on his shoulder. "I stopped thinking for a second and realized how bad I wanted it. How exhausted I was, and how much I longed for just a little bit of comfort. That's it, you can make jokes about how shallow I am now."

"Not really. I get you, I really do" Seungcheol patted Jeonghan's back hugging him.

"Still..." Jeonghan's expression dropped but Seungcheol couldn't see it as Mingyu's words rang in his ear. 'What would you do if the same thing happened again?' Jeonghan closed his eyes wanting to erase the words out of his memory knowing he couldn't. "...It doesn't mean I'm any less scared of the uncertainty."

"I understand." Seungcheol pulled away from Jeonghan cupping his face. "Don't worry, okay? We can take it slow... And work it out one step at a time..."

Seungcheol kissed Jeonghan's forehead as they spoke in unison embodying the word. "...Together."


Chan sat in the car outside talking with Mingyu as Seungcheol and Jeonghan came to them walking hand in hand.

"Hmm... About time..." Mingyu smirked.

"Mingyu!" Jeonghan looked away knowing Chan was there.

"Haha! About time you came back was what I meant!" Mingyu corrected himself terrified of Jeonghan.

"Sorry for making you guys wait. We uhh... We had a lot to discuss." Seungcheol came up with a quick excuse for Chan's sake.

"Mhmm, no worries!" Mingyu's smirk did not vanish as he looked down at JeongCheol's entwined hands.

"I'll be driving Chan back, you guys wanna come with us?" Seungcheol asked letting go of Jeonghan's hand as he opened the car door.

"Oh yeah sure!"

"I'll go too!"

"Great let's hurry back." Seungcheol reached in to pick up his phone.

"..." Seungcheol froze staring at the 13 missed calls and five texts. His heart caged in, and fear brewed. He felt something bad was about to occur.




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 878



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