Grabing Rights and Grabing Money

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"Ok, let me start again," Domnus said talking to reception lady in front of him, "My name is Domnus"

"Yes" the lady responded.

"I am trying to sell my wears to adventurers" Domnus said with a nervous Bell behind him.

"Yes" the lady responded, her smile unwavering.

"You have seen my stock of things," Domnus said his teeth grinding together.


"Then, may I have my licenses please," Domnus said holding his hand out to the lady.

"No" the lady said her smile the same for the whole conversation.

"Why!" Domnus yelled out extremely frustrated at not being able to get what he needs.

"You need to pay a down payment first," the lady said to the sigh of Domnus.

"Why didn't you," Domnus started before calming down, "I am starting a business to make money because I don't have much valis." Domnus said to the lady.

"You only need to pay five hundred valis," the reception lady said trying to do her job.

With a sigh, Domnus pulled out the money in shame.

"Thank you! Here is your license the reception lady said handing Domnus his license.

Domnus snatched the license out of the lady's hand and slinked away with a confused Bell behind him.

"Why were you so upset about giving up that money?" Bell asked confused as they left.

"That was my sleeping money," Domnus said his face drooping down, "But that does not matter now, I just have to hope that I can make some good money," Domnus said holding his head high.

With a nod, Bell continued to follow Domnus until they got back to the fountain. Domnus then sat down and began to talk.

"Ok, you do what you want to do," Domnus said, "And I'll try to sell things, we'll meet back here about 8:00. Sound good?" Domnus asked Bell.

"Got it!" Bell said with a smile, "I'm going to see if I can join a familia," Bell said running away. Getting up Domnus went to the front of the dungeon. Setting up his booth there was already adventures going in. Setting up Domnus put out his best and shiniest things, ready for customers.

Unfortunately all the older adventurers had a place they always bought from, and the newer adventurers preferred to buy from older stores. So a new person who came out of nowhere didn't have the best bet for selling their wears.

For a couple of hours Domnus sat there, not a person approached his small stand until a person did.

"So what do you sell?" an adventurer asked. Looking at this adventurer is was clear to see that he was a complete novice.

"I sell all types of things!" Domnus said throwing his hands into the air, "From swords to potions to books and all things that lay in between." Domnus said gesturing to the things behind him.

"So like, what exactly do you sell?" The adventure asked confused.

"You're a newbie right?" Domnus said cutting to the point.

"How did you know that?" the adventurer asked nervous that Domnus had been following him for some reason.

"Your armor is too shiny," Domnus said before grabbing something from the bag behind him as the adventurer watched on.

"The 'Get out' potion, or the GO potion," Domnus said taking out a clear bottle with a light blue liquid in it, "It will take you back to the last place you slept," said Domnus trying to sell the bottle.

"And if I fall asleep in the dungeon?" the adventurer asked.

"Then you would return there, now do you want it?" Domnus said with a smile on his face.

"How can so trust it works?" the adventurer suspected that this was a scam because he had never seen a potion like that before.

"If it doesn't work I'll give your money back," Domnus told the adventurer trying to clear their suspicions.

"How much?" the adventurer said relenting to his own curiosity.

"Usually, two thousand five hundred valis," Domnus stated while the adventurer looked on, "But for my first customer half off," Domnus said knowing that he at least needed one customer. Also two thousand five hundred was a bit too much for this customer.

"Deal" the adventurer said putting their money onto the stand as Domnus took it and gave the potion over.

"A pleasure doing business with you," Domnus said happy that he did business. "Also remember, the potion must be drunk to splashed onto a person.

"Got it!" the customer said happy that Domnus said that be a he was planing on splashing them on himself when he was in danger.

The adventurer put the potion into his pocket and continued into the dungeon. Putting the money up, Domnus was a happy man. He would have preferred to sell it at a higher price. However, he first needs to gain trust before hiking up the prices.

As time passed a few other adventurers came to see his stand. But not all of them were looking to buy his wears. He got to sell a book about a princess stuck in a tower, but other than the Go potion that's about it. As time passed on it got closer and closer to 8:00.

With a sigh, Domnus packed up wishing that he could have sold more. Putting his backpack on he started to make his way towards the fountain to meet up with Bell.
"Holy crap man, are you ok?" asked Domnus seeing the condition of Bell.

Bell was beaten up to the point that there were several bruises all over his body. There was blood coming out of his nose, and more importantly, his eyes.

"I'm fine" Bell said with a smile not realizing his own condition.

"No you are not!" Domnus tried to explain, "Here drink" Domnus said pulling out a red bottle with a single yellow strip going across it.

"No, I couldn't possibly take on of your," Bell tried to say before Domnus shoved the bottle down his throat.

"Too bad, now drink" Domnus said while Bell drank and healed.

"I'll pay you back one day," Bell said getting up fully healed.

"Now, I'm guessing you don't have a good place to sleep?" asked Domnus.

"You are correct," Bell said with a nervous smile.

"Let's go find one then!" Domnus said getting up with Bell to find a place to sleep.

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