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Behind or alongside horses, dogs are the most important.

All dogs are guard dogs, buy it splits on what they do and what they guard.

The hunting dogs are slimmer, more wolf like with pointed muzzles and ears. Think wolfdogs, German shepherds or huskies. Alongside helping humans hunt, they guard the house, other buildings and people.

(Note: you can tell a dog from a wolf by pure size. Only the largest dogs get past 120 pounds. A wolf is fucking huge)

Next are herding/stock guarding dogs. They are heftier and stockier than hunting dogs, with rounder muzzles, and round floppier ears. A joke/story is that these dogs developed these features so the other animals wouldn't think they're wolves. The more likely story is long ago there were several notable dogs with these features and they've been bred into the population. Think your big lgds or others like the bankhar, kengal and others.

(Note: these dogs would be bigger than modern dogs due to frequent breeding with wolves and the animals they hunt/fight off)

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