The Force

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As he walked around mount Swellview, Tyler grumbled under his breath. Who places a school on the side of a mountain?

He knew Ray and Schwoz were trying to be discreet about the whole "new school for superheroes" thing but they really should've picked somewhere else or just rebuilt the man caves.

And in all honesty, dealing with Ray was the last thing Tyler wanted to do. He'd heard enough stories from his sister and Henry to know the guy was more than a handful. Plus he'd seen it himself the one time he'd decided to follow Charlotte to work, despite her strictly telling him not to.

In hindsight, he currently wished he'd listened.

Either way he needed to show the old man what he'd noticed: for the past few days, Tyler had been accidentally burning everything juat hy touching it. He'd set half of his bedroom on fire just the previous morning and that's when he'd had enough. He'd skipped school and headed to the new man cave to get answers from Ray and Schwoz before he burned anything else he cared about. But unfortunately Tyler couldn't walk up there so he had to get to the newly opened school which was directly under the mountain... Right under Captain Man's new headquarters-

Come to think about it, how was no one in town suspicious of that?

Finally after a long while of walking (and blocking the outside world with his Airpods), Tyler finally made it to SWAG's front doors.


"Stranger approaching" the school's alarm system sounded. Chapa let out a groan as Ray rushed them all to put their training equipment away. It was too early for this.

"Who could it be by this time?" Mika asked as she took her seat.

"I don't know but they better have a good reason for interrupting my hair care routine" Ray complained as he tried to smooth out his hair before opening the door.

"What do you want?" Ray furrowed his eyebrows, not sure why a kid with short curls was standing in front of him.

"Ray I need to talk to you" Tyler dismissed the older man's rudeness.

"Wait..." Ray's eyes scanned the boy more closely as the resemblance hit him. "You're Charlotte's kid... Tanner? Travis? TJ? Tammy?"

"Tyler and I'm her brother" the 13 year old shook his head with a sigh. He could already tell this would be a long day.

"Right, right" Ray nodded. "and what do you want?"

"I need to talk to you, privately"

"I'm busy" Ray said, attempting to close the door but Tyler quickly stopped him.

"I did not walk all the way here just to be told no" Tyler looked up at Ray.

"Listen, Tristan-"

"It's Tyler!"

"I have a school I'm trying to run here so I can't listen to anything you say right now-" Ray tried slamming the door in the kid's face but Tyler desperately held the door from closing, his nervousness accidentally setting off his flames and making him set the door on fire. "What the he-"

"Woah!" Chapa's eyes went wide at the sight.

"Fire!" Bose pointed at the burning door while Mika grabbed the fire extinguisher.

"I'm so sorry!" Tyler immediately pulled his hand away from the door as soon as he saw what he did, trying to turn off the flames on his forearm.


Once Mika had successfully put out the fire (and Tyler had managed to put out the one on his arm) , Ray instructed Tyler to come into the classroom.

"Okay, 'Terrell'..." Ray used air quotes as he examined the dark skinned boy in front of him. "if that's even your real name"

"It is not" Tyler replied.

"He's been called Tyler multiple times so I'm pretty sure that's his name" Miles spoke up.

Tyler only just then remembered that he and Ray weren't alone. Looking around, he saw the same four kids from the last big fight with Drex. He only met them once but he still remembered their names. Tyler had actually spent more time with Bose seeing as they were both in the man cave at the same time.

"Oh, hey guys!" He smiled and waved to the four kids who immediately greeted back. Well most of them did. Chapa just smiled a little and threw up deuces, but for sreason Tyler felt something weird seeing her smile. It was warm inside... Not like the usual heat he'd been feeling inside himself the past week.

"So how'd you get these powers you have now?" Ray folded his arms.

"I don't know, I've had them for a few days.. i asked Charlotte what to do and she said to look for you" Tyler explained. "If I'm being honest I only listened cause you're my last resort so I don't accidentally burn our house down"

"Understandable" Miles nodded.

"So, you want me to train you?" Ray asked.

"I don't think I even have another choice" Tyler shrugged.

"Schwoz!! There's another kid with powers!" Ray screamed, causing Tyler to cover his ears.

"Dude..." Tyler complained.

"You get used to it" Chapa commented.

"Yeah I doubt I will" Tyler replied.

Soon enough, the short scientist walked out of the back room.

"Who is it-" Schwoz stopped once he saw who it was. "You?"

"Yep" Tyler replied, popping the "p" at the end.

"Well it's about time" schwoz scoffed.

"What?" Tyler furrowed his eyebrows.

"You were within the blast radius of the Omega weapon, " Schwoz explained. "it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.. just be thankful you didn't grow a second head"


"I'm kidding!" schwoz laughed for a while before his voice dropped. "Not really"

"Wow..." Tyler shook his head.

"You'll need a desk and a suit!" Schwoz declared before running back into the other room.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Tyler asked out loud.

"You don't know the half of it yet" Mika chuckled.

"I'll need you to go catch the criminals that escaped" Ray said to the kids.

"The same ones you allowed to escape?" Tyler raised an eyebrow at the older hero.

"The ones that got out of prison!" Ray pressed. "But you stay here"

"Why?" Tyler looked at Ray.

"We still need to run a few tests to make sure your peers are what we think they are" Schwoz explained.

"And what do you think they are?" The thirteen year old looked at the grown men.

"Pyrokenesis.. either that or you're slowly burning from the inside" Ray replied.

"Wouldn't surprise me" Tyler shrugged. His phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket.

Pulling it out, he bit his lip at what he saw. His mom's name flashing on the screen, Tyler debated with himself for a second before setting his phone on silent and sliding it back in his pocket.

"When do we start?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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