Ep. 1: "Let Whatever Has To Happen Happen"

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November 2010:

Jill, with her mother Kate, are on the couch

Kate: Jill, your cousin is coming to a supposed book signing next year, she's staying here at our house.

Jill: Really? Excellent! I haven't seen her in a long time and I want to congratulate her for everything she has accomplished.

Kate: It's good that you express this about your cousin, since she has not had a very good experience with the family and we must welcome her as she deserves.

Jill: Are you talking about Roman?

Kate: (sighs) Yes, daughter, yes... It's been 10 years, almost 11, but Sidney hasn't been able to get over it completely, but I hope he can almost forget what happened.

Jill: Mom, can you explain to me why Román did that? I have never known with certainty.

Kate: Well, Román was the son of Maureen, my sister and your aunt. Maureen never accepted him and... He went crazy, he sent Billy and Stu to start it all and that's how it started. In 2000, Román decided to do it on his own, and so he did, he killed the entire cast of his film and revealed himself as the murderer to Sidney, explaining everything to her. But since Sidney is a survivor, she managed to kill Román, although it left her with a small void inside her.

Jill: Wow... That's, really sad.

Kate: I know, Jill, but the important thing is that with God willing, everything will turn out better and we have to be thankful that a lot of time has passed, so maybe your cousin's torment is over.

Jill's phone rings and she looks a little embarrassed at her mom

Jill: Can I?...

Kate: Of course!

Jill: Thanks, I will be in my room

Kate: Ok.

Jill leaves taking the call

Jill: (walking to her room) Hello?

Ghostface's voice: Hello Jill.

Jill: (confused) Uhm, who is this?

Ghostface's voice: It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what I want.

Jill: (following the rhythm) Ok, what do you want?

Ghostface's voice: I want to know how fast I can kill you.

Jill: (scared and agitated) Sorry?!

Trevor: Surprise!! (Laughing)

Jill: Trevor?!

Trevor: It was a little joke!

Jill: My heart almost burst out, son of a bitch!

Trevor: Well ok I'll pass, see you tomorrow at school, I love you.

Jill: I love you too, but don't be that stupid.

Trevor: What you say baby.

Jill: Goodbye Love.

Trevor: Goodbye gorgeous.

Jill hangs up the call

Next Day:

Jill arrives at the school looking for Trevor

Olivia arrives

Olivia: Jill!

Jill jumps a little because Olivia scared her

Jill: Olivia! Don't appear that way!

Olivia: Ok sorry! Who are you looking for?

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