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Warner has unlocked my cuffs, and I'm not sure what to do

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Warner has unlocked my cuffs, and I'm not sure what to do. I can use my electric powers now, but do I want to?

I can use these to escape, but I could hurt someone. Warner wants me to be a monster, and I don't want to be someone he uses as his weapon. I want to fight for the good in life, not the destruction of the world.

"Go ahead, love. Show me how your powers work."

I'm confused as to why he wants me to hurt him. "I'm not going to try and kill you. I'm not evil," I argue.

Warner smirks. "You're a very bad girl, Emilia. Now show me your powers."

I begin to run down the hallway, not looking back. I can hear Warner's footsteps behind me, but then I begin to hear footsteps in front of me too.

There's a squad of soldiers armed with guns. Warner is behind me, and the soldiers are between me and a door.

I don't know what to do. I either run back to Warner, or I try to get past them. Before I can think this through, one of them grabs me by the neck.

My hand grabs onto his arm, and his veins turn purple. An electric shock runs from his arm through his body. His hair is smoking, and then he falls to the ground.

I'm released from his grasp, but left gasping for air when I realize what I've done. He falls to the ground with a thud, and the other soldiers take a couple of steps back.

They all point their guns at my head.

I've just killed a man.

I hear Warner's voice yelling, "DO NOT SHOOT HER! STAND DOWN, SOLDIERS!"

Their guns are pointed to the ground now. They're all whispering and staring at the body on the ground.

I've become just what Warner wanted me to become. I've used my powers to kill an innocent soldier. I hate myself, and I just want to disappear.

Warner is coming closer, and I'm being surrounded by him and his army. "You monster!" I shout.

"You and I, we're not that different. Together, we can conquer the world, love."

I can't control the tears running down my face. "You made me kill him."

"You did that yourself, love. Let's get back to your room."

My mind is spiraling with thoughts, and I feel the panic running through my body. The world is spinning, and all I can hear is Warner's strangely calming voice.

Everything goes dark.

When I wake up, I'm covered in a heavy white blanket. It's so soft, and my head feels like it's resting on a cloud. My eyes are blinking open, and I'm trying to remember what just happened.

I cling onto the blanket until I realize that I'm not in my own room. I feel something pressing against my leg. It's a hand.

It's Warner's hand.

ELECTRIFY ME• aaron warner Where stories live. Discover now