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I've been inspired to do this- thank you, ineedtoeatpotatos

On 10:31 am, November 8th, 2009, the end of the world came into existence in Ramstein.


The stars have foretold that your truly will c o n s u m e the planet.

Anyway, I spent the first year of my life in Germany (no I do not speak German)

There was a cool cherry tree there and the backyard was sloped so if I fell while running around or smth I would just roll off :D

HeLiCoPtEr hElIcOpTeR

So yeahhh

Then we immigrated to the US :3

When I was three, my little sister was born in NY ^^

 I turn 4, get a surgery done on my throat so now I can breathe and not die of suffocation in my sleep (yes this means that going to sleep could kill me before that :>)

I turn six, go to my first day of proper school and immediately get bored because KINDERGARTEN BOOKS ARE SHIT

Skip some time to when I am now in 2nd grade: we move after that year down to ✨Florida✨ and get a new house :D (this is where the real mental degrading starts)

3rd grade: meet my absolute bestie-est bestie of all time, BrightSunnySke ! Also decide to start measuring and analyzing life events by year: every year, something big happens, and every year, something bad happens, and every year, something good happens. I think about this every. Day.

4th grade, quarantine happens and the pine straw fort I commanded over was lost to a siege of the "COVID" clan

5th grade, parents divorce, and I realize "well fuck, the world is pretty dumb and fucked up so Y'know what let's fuck it up even more" so I go on a mental rampage and discover that I would probably laugh if I saw someone's head get impaled on a spike (I would have done the impaling)

6th grade: mom gets a new boyfriend, breaks up with him for a reason unknown to me. Also, over the summer of this year, my dad leaves Florida and has been nonexistent to me ever since. This is also the year that I join band :D

7th grade, mom gets another boyfriend. He's cool ig, but he ends up being an alcoholic and kills himself via drowning. This is all after he married my mom btw. At this point, I couldn't care less. Didn't show up to his funeral bc I didn't want to miss ✨school✨

8th grade, (current): life is blah, but I made a Wattpad acc over the 7th-to-8th summer. Nothing really happened much then, until I met you guys <333

Now I think I am chronically online

I have now become unofficial therapist to a shitload of people so that's fun 👍

Considered offing myself but then said "nahhhh" even though I am presented with a multitude of opportunities and know exactly how I could pull it off (I won't do it bc I love life and you guys <3)

Also decided "fuck it let's empty myself out and give the happies to others to make their lives better"

So now I'm happy if my friends are happy/doing ok/NOT TRYING TO DIE AND I WILL FIND YOU IF YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE NOT WORTH IT


And now for the great Wattpad purge, we're migrating to Ao3 (this feels oddly historical- is history repeating or smth)

Being evicted from our home 😌

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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