Chapter 1

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"Our lesson for this day is about GomBurZa. Since I already said yesterday that it's our topic today, would someone can explain some details or conclusion about it?" Our prof said with a smile.

Our valedictorian as usual raise his hand, but our prof ignore it. He notice that I'm not listening to his lesson, and did even sleep in his classroom.

Due to that he got pissed off, and approach me. "Ms. Castro, my classroom is not made for lazy sleepy girl like you!" -"if you want to sleep, get out of my classroom!"

I quickly grab my bag and insist to leave even we're in between our lesson leaving Sir. Tolentino's mad face.

I don't dare to looks back, I assumes that he will throw the eraser in my face. I admit that I'd been sleeping in his classroom, but what I supposed to do when I have a part-time-job at 12pm. He don't know anyways.

I sigh in frustration.


*Afternoon classes*

Going back to my seat like nothing's happened, not even feel sorry about what happened. My prof seems still mad, so I tried to not make any eye contact or any conversation.

But he keep looking at me, then he finally said, "Pumunta ka sa office ko mamaya," He fixed his eyeglasses.

I roll my eyes secretly with a deep breathe thinking that he will shower me a curse or maybe an assignment.

I predicted that because of the book he has been holding. I can sense that he will give me a book report about one story.

I really hates A.pan for having a lot to memorize, not only that, but also having a trouble to remain all that in my brain. I'm not that smart to finish that task, so probably it will takes me a weeks or like something days.

I'm not sure if it's about A.pan, I definitely assumed that it was, because it has a lot of page.

Well, anyways, it's A.pan, so what can I do!

Hindi naman pwedeng ipagawa ko 'to sa kaklase ko baka mahalata ako. Ang hirap panaman maghanap ng research that's literally clear to what happened in them. I can't find any of it.


*At Sir. Tolentino's office*

"I want you to research about GomBurZa." He strictly said.

"Pero sir, how can I do that without that book?"

"Then find a solution,"

I take a deep breathe. "I don't have any information about it, sir."

He smile, "If you're willing to know, you will know, but if not, you will never know."

"You know what I mean, Ms. Castro. After all I've been checking your ability and I know you will find the answer."

I sigh,

"You may go out now,"

"And remember what I said, take it seriously. Hindi lamang ito about sa history, but how it all happened,"


I nods.

*Later on, tried to search it on Google*

*Later on, tried to search it on Google*

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*No result still*

Pano ba 'to ni walang lumalabas sa google!

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