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"Agent Styles, you have been called personally to deal with this case."

His deep voice fills the dark room, dimly lit by the screen from a computer sitting in front of him. Agent Styles stood silently, watching him as he speaks, not daring to interrupt.

It's like a lump is stuck in his throat as he awaits to hear the rest, time going slower than he's ever felt it pass before, as if someone has snapped the hand off the clock of the entire world.

"Our men in the CIA have reported back with dozens of reports of an online server, hosted by an anonymous user."

He isn't sure where he's going with this, the CIA? What could possibly be so wrong that this case has been silently dealt with for god knows how long, whose computers have they been collecting data from?

"This server however, isn't like a usual one, there's much more to it, something more sinister,"

Harry wishes he'd just get on with it already, spit it out so he can get this over and done with, why is there so much suspense.

"The person running these servers calls himself The President, he's a god of this online server, many occupants logging on daily to read his words,"

"Agent Styles, we've called you here today because this is no ordinary server, this is a simulation, not just online but in real life."

Harry is just as puzzled as anyone would be, what does all this mean? Is there some sort of brain washing going on?

"Before we really begin, please, tell me what you know about a little place called Victory?"

He finishes his words, sliding many photos of what looks like homes from the 1950s, wives happily waving their husbands off to work, as if all in sync.

"I don't understand, I've never heard of it." Harry finally speaks, puzzled as he files through pictures upon pictures of what their lives used to be like many years ago.

"That's what I was hoping for, please await your case assignment file, and who will be working alongside of you. That will be all."

Harry has never been scared in his line of work before, but something about this doesn't sit right with him, something sinister is happening.

And he's been chosen to put a stop to it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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