5 Confusion

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(BTW jakes your twin bc why not)
"hey frank sorry for mine and my dad's behaviour we haven't gotten along in years since my dad's and mum's multiple spilts they break up and get back together my mum took my twin Jake and dad took me an Sarah when they get back together we look at them and laugh it's almost an family joke now me and my siblings are like best friends me and Jake always hang out and Sarah's too busy in her romantic life but we know she loves us my dad's an cheater and he continually cheats on mum I hate him for it shes done nothing wrong but he's an control freak he needs to be in crontrol of her so bc of that we never get along I was the one who told my he was cheating that's why we hate each over I'm sorry " frank looks at me I can tell he feels sorry for me the look on his face I can just tell" y/n I didn't know your family life was like that but the cunt deserved what you said I mean he looked jealous the moment he looked at us and I mean he shouldn't treat you like that as you said he needs to learn an amazing thing called honesty it's really cool " I chuckle at him" thanks for the reassuring frank " he smiles he loves helping" also y/n are we dating or not? " I look at him bright red" if you want it would make things less complicated and ur hot and nice I have no reason it say no "he begins to smile again then pulls me in for an hug" I can someone loves hugs " he chuckles and continues to hug me Im glad we're dating he's the sweetest man I've ever met I won't be surprise if Sarah's gone an told Jake I'm finally dating someone. the last time I was dating someone she imeddialy told Jake but I mean it's Sarah she's the one who's the romantic expert of the family and she's married she's really lucky I wish to be like her now back to reality. frank pulls me in for an kiss his lips as usual as soft and very sweet I'm glad in with him about 2 or 1and an 1/2 we pull away and snuggle up together and watch an horror movie we both love them despite us both being easily scared it's almost funny how two very jumpy people love horror movies I might ask to tell the subway surfers group that my lovlife has changed around if Sarah hasn't told them all ready we haven't spoke in an while "hey frank can I tell my friends that we're together they always want updates" he looks at me and nodes "sure you sister knows why can't they" after he chuckles
(Subway surfers chat)
You: guys sorry I haven't texted in an while Jake you might know this you know what Sarah's like but ik you lot have been craving updates on my love life but I'm (finally) with someone!
Jake🍔: yeah Sarah told me and good on you for having an go at dad lol
fresh:tricky it was just an year and an half... But congratulations
Sarah💅:in not that bad but ofc I told Jake and mum
You:the second I date someone you have to say something or tell someone 😂
Sarah💅: can me and you do doubles dates ill bring Ryan and you bring frank
You:sure I'll ask him tomorrow the ill tell you what he said mkay I'm gonna go now see all y'all soon

"tricky and Sarah are nuts about us" frank peered over my shoulder "and I don't see why we can't have an first date and it'll be fun I've never been on an double date but I heard they work the same" "yeah so I'll arrange it and tell when it's happening she's gunna be abit annoying tho she's never seen me on an date" he looks am me and sighs "in chill with that and can we finally finish the movie I paused it for you" he looks very impatient "sure sorry" he chuckles "it's okay" and we finally rest after one hell of an day.

(New Name) Subway Love frank (subway surfers) x reader (female) Where stories live. Discover now