Bittersweet [20]

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Beomgyu arrived at the center of Hamilton mall, setting up his mic and adjusting his baby blue and white electric guitar that Yeonjun had bought for him. He placed his guitar case on the ground, ready to take any pennies or cash the audience and passersby could throw in. After setting up, he texted Yeonjun.

beomgluvyu (YOU)
-i'm ready at the hamilton mall now
hurry ur ass up or shi

-damn alrdy there?
i'll be there baby
love u<3

beomgluvyu (YOU)
-asieioskxjjn ok
am i supposed 2 say it back

-well what do u think

beomgluvyu (YOU)
-ok auaihj ily 2

-say it clearly

beomgluvyu (YOU)

-haha cute

beomgluvyu (YOU)

Beomgyu smiled at their own silliness. He was about to start playing when someone called out his name.

"Yah, hyung!" Hyunjin came running towards him with his lover, Minho, trailing behind him. "Slow down, Jinnie!" He yelled, yet Hyunjin just kept on running.

Beomgyu waved back at them with a wide smile. Soon, his other friends started arriving one by one. He took a deep breath and gracefully strummed the guitar strings with his pick.

beomgluvyu (YOU)
-hyung no1 is coming n giving me money:(

-aww bb don't worry js wait ppl will come beomiee
i'm alrdy there but i need 2 shit so bad ill be back
i can hear u and u sound perfect love❤️
If ppl r not giving u money n nor listening 2 ur performance they're missing out on hearing a true angels voice
dw bby ppl r js like that bc ur a new sight here
ur doing amazing love :)))

"If you go give that boy playing the guitar and singing over there this 10 dollars, I'll give you 20." Yeonjun said, handing people money as they rush over to Beomgyu's guitar case to drop in the money. Yeah, no, he wasn't on the toilet, taking a dump. Of course, no one can see him, especially not Beomgyu. Call him whipped or whatever for giving out money to other people just for his Beomgyu to be happy. He didn't care. He'd do anything for his baby. Mind you, people are actually giving him money and enjoying his performance, but the more, the merrier, am I right?

"Eyy, dude. You here for Beomgyu's per- Why are you giving people money?" Kai's voice made Yeonjun jump. Kai's eyes followed where the money-given people were going, not surprised but surprised to see them drop the dollar into Beomgyu's guitar case and rush over to Yeonjun again to come and collect their prize. He laughed. "You're this whipped for him? Damn, i should tell him to ask you to buy me some plushies since you'd literally do anything for him."

"Shut up. I'm not whipped, I'm just tryna make him more happy." Yeonjun spat back.

Kai shrugged. "Same shit, different toilet."

"Can you keep doing what I'm doing?" Yeonjun said, shoving a stack of cash into Kai's hands. "I need to go watch him perform. Thanks, dude!"

"Hey, wait- wha-" Kai tried to stop him, but the guy was already skedaddling away towards Beomgyu. "I'm not doing this for free! You better get me a new plushie afterward!" He sighed, unwillingly continuing Yeonjun's way of making Beomgyu happy.

Yeonjun arrived in front of Beomgyu's busking area, sitting down on one of the mats set up for the audience to sit and watch him perform. "Hyung, you're surprisingly late. I mean, it's Beomgyu who's performing."

"Shut up, I had some shits to do." Yeonjun said, his grumpy face immediately lighting up when he waved at Beomgyu, who waved back and continued his performance.

After his performance, Beomgyu skipped his way towards Yeonjun with a beaming smile and hugged him. Yeonjun hugged back, chuckling at his cuteness. Eyy, wait. Soobin's here.

"Hyung, look how much money I got! The whole case is full!" Beomgyu exclaimed, hopping up and down in Yeonjun's arms. Yeonjun laughed. "I know, Beomie. I'm proud of you."

"Oh my god, Beomgyu. All of us are here, and you just ignored us and ran up to Yeonjun first?" Sunoo said, dramatically placing his palm onto his mouth. "What, are you guys dating?"

"I'm sorry." Beomgyu chuckled nervously. "And..yes, we're dating."

Sunoo gasped loudly as all of the others had their mouths agape, except...for Soobin.

"Hey, you join in my dramatic behavior. Let's be friends!" Hyunjin said, which Sunoo agreed to, and they just clicked.

Soobin excused himself to the bathroom. He ran as fast as he could as the tears had already started falling down. He stopped in front of the bathroom sink, crying quietly.

Kai noticed Soobin's absence. "Hey, guys. Where did Soobin go?" Knowing Soobin's crush on Beomgyu, he knew the older wouldn't be okay.

"Oh, he went to the bathroom." Beomgyu replied.

"Okay, thanks." Kai thanked before running to the bathroom, his pace gradually getting faster the more he ran. As expected, he found Soobin crying in front of the sink. His heart shattered into a million little pieces at the sight of his crush breaking down. He slowly went beside him, rubbing his back in a comforting manner.

Soobin slowly looked up at him, surprised by the sudden presence beside him. He turned his head back to the sink, crying again. "I can't. I-I can't handle all this, Hyuka.. I love him too much. It feels like whenever I get c-closer, he goes farther." Same, Soobin, same. "I'm always hid- hiding the truth, pretending I'm fine whenever Beomgyu says that he l-loves me as a friend.. How did love become love? I-It's so bitter yet so sweet.."

"I understand how you're feeling, Soobin. I hope you can easily move on and find someone else, even though it's hard. If it makes you feel any better, I still love you, Soobin. It's pathetic, I know."

"You still love me..?" Soobin asked, his voice softer than a feather. He wrapped his arms around the younger, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you.."


Ahsuewiisk sookai
forgot 2 mention last chapt that ik ily is my fav txt song n my fav song in general
i listen 2 it everyday ahwuwjaakks
Bittersweet gotta b my fav svt song if it's considered one
If not it gotta b I don't understand but ily
What in the legend of the sea
If yk that kdrama yall might know what I'm talking abt

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