I. Fresh Start

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Thankfully, your roommate didn't arrive yet, since the school was only starting today. But that didn't mean you were trespassing there illegally, no no. It was completely up to the students on whether they'd move into the dorms earlier, or on the first day of school.

"Honey, I'm just worried!"

"Yeah, but you woke me up so early," you sighed as you brushed the knots in your hair away.

"Alright sweetie. Remember to study hard and try to get a scholarship. Drink lots of water and eat healthy. Find a good friend, and be careful. High School is tough, I've been there myself."

Your mom was always really nice to you. In a world full of pain, at least you still had someone to talk to.

You smiled at your mother's advice as you set the hairbrush down. "Thanks mom. Love you," and with that, you hung up.

It was time to get ready for the dreaded first day of school. You slapped your cheeks, making them redden as you stared at your reflection and your now swollen cheeks in the mirror.

Two years ago, you went to a brigade, so you could fix up your teeth by getting braces. Your dad also got a new job and brought your family from your bad financial state, and now you could finally afford some nice things for yourself. Your mom made you go to a face spa and helped you get rid of your acne, and you also got a different haircut.

Thankfully, students were required to wear uniforms, so no one would bully you for clothes. Well, now you could at least afford normal ones, but you still didn't have enough for branded clothes or anything along those lines.

As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you could only think about how different you looked. You were no longer the bullied geek, but rather a normal looking teenage girl, ready to take on whatever challenge will be thrown at her, just to achieve her goal. And that goal of yours was to obtain the students scholarship, of course.

Well, you were always pretty smart. Mainly because you never really cared that much about looks, but chose to focus on your studies more. Not like you could focus on looks when everybody talked to you like you were the ugliest creature to roam Earth.

Sighing, you straightened out your pleated skirt, before flinging your schoolbag lazily over your shoulder. You then placed your hair into a messy low ponytail and fixed the straps of yout backpack, before heading out.

A brand new day,
a brand new school,
but most importantly, a brand new you.

"That Entrance ceremony was ass." One student complained as he kicked a rock while walking to his class. You followed and stared at him as you agreed in your head. It really was terrible.

First, the principal tripped. Then, the microphone stopped working. It was a total catastrophe. But hey, who were you to judge.

Shiganshina High was a prestige school, but opening ceremonies certainly weren't one of their qualities.

You walked after the boy, who seemingly already found his friends as you remained silent the whole time. You were hoping they didn't notice you following after them. You just didn't know where your class was, that was all.

"Hey, girl. Why're you following after them like a lost puppy? Do you have a crush on Jean-boy or something?" A pretty blonde haired girl nudged your shoulder, a teasing smile plastered on her face.

"I wouldn't recommend it. He's dumb and a player."

You stared in awe at the girl talking to you so easily. She wasn't even judging you! That was something new for you. Totally new. Before she could interpret your weird silence in a different way, you managed to speak up.

Dead End; jaeger, arlert Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin