they know

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looking back at my life everything kinda turned south when i got taken away, looking forward at my possible future it's not going to get right for me any more. Unless a miracle happens, im going to do what i was tought... kill and steal. Sounds kinda harsh but since you need to have a diploma or something, now i dont have that. So im standing in an ally with im sure 2 dead men and 5 unconsious, fishing importand info or money out of their pockets. i really need to be quick because i can see police stopping and getting out of their cars, but lucky for me im very good at being quick.

"Stop with what you're doing and put your hands in the air!!" one of the officers shouts at me while raising is gun. "You know in my position it's really hard to just cooperate with what you're saing, so no bye now."i replied with a cocky smirk under my mask. As i ran away to my temporary home or how you want to call it, i looked back and i saw SHIELD cars coming to the 'crime scene'. Okay thats bad knowing that SHIELD on my ass, i climb in to my apartment and pass out on the couch.


"Nat wake up emergency meeting" my best friend shouts outside of my room. Lucky for him i was already awake because if i wasn't i would've definitely killed him right there right now. "comming" i shout back trying to finde some clothes. "That's what she said" Clint mocked. "i swear if you're not gone in two seconds im putting a bullet through your head."i shout back and i can hear him running away.

just as i enter the meeting room Fury started the meeting. "hello everybody sorry for this late unexpectet meeting, but there is a killer on the loose we didn't get to see their face since they where wearing a mask but we know that the person is enhanced. we do have some footage i would like to go over." Fury showed us the footage when the person was on the screen he paused the footage. while we where having a better look at it, bucky just stormed out of the room. steve and sam looked at eachother and followed him with a worried expression. "what was that about?" Tony nudged me. " i don't know ask wanda, she can read minds i can't." Thony asked Wanda but she also din't know, we sat there in silence untill bucky, sam and steve returned. " Mr. barnes would you like to proceed, cause i have a feeling you know more than me?" Fury asked and we all turend our atention to buck. he just shook his head and steve looks dissapointed. "alright, Romanoff, Barnes and Rogers, your mission is to capture the person and br-." Fury started but soon got interupped by bucky. " girl" he said and we all looked dumb founded. " it's a girl not a person." He clarified. "Alright you guys will capture the.. girl and bring her back here." Fury ended his little speech, everyone left exept me, steve and buck.

We all sat there in silance so i decide to speak up. "So buck care to share?" i joke but looking at his face i made a mistake. "Nat you rember Ohio right?" bucky starts, tears sting my eyes not sad but angry trears but still i need to keep my cool. "i was there." buck speaks again. "you where what!?" i shout. "Nat calm down im sure he can explain, just please." steve tries, obviusly he doesn't know, right? "Do you remember ever catching a HYDRA agent?" bucky just looks sad but i can also read concern from his face, while steve just stands there like a lost puppy not knowing what we are talking about. "that's the girl from the footage, how do you know?" i ask. "i mean there is a great possibility her fighting style is the same and they are wearing old HYDRA clothes." bucky must have had a good conection with this girl if he knows how she fights, i mean thats hard to remember if you've seen someone fight once or twice. "yopu know where we could find her?"steve turns his attention to bucky instead of the wall he was stairing at. "to be honest i have no idea, Nat can your spying skills help us out?" bucky asks me. " i'll try to find something?" great now i actually have an excuse to be awake and around the compound, thank you god for keeping the deadly killers alive.


"good morning Y/N how is life? You know when i came back from this mission a drove by a store and i was really hungry so guess what i got us?" Yelena beamed. " i don't know, if its edible I'll take it im so fucking hungry." I met yelena on a mission with the Red Room when i escaped HYDRA and she just destroyed the Red Room, wich yes she brags about. We became good friends plus its nice to have some company. " i got mac and cheese!!" She sings. " nice can i have some?" I asked. " sure i bout 24 boxes so you can have one to." She shows me the bag full of boxed mac and cheese, funny this is she looks really proud to. " okay so i get one and you get the other 23?" She looked at me confused I guess she still needs to work on understanding sarcasm. " no you дурак i got you 4 and me 20 so its equal now." Im not even arguing with her anymore because one i know im not going to win, two she loves her Mac and cheese. " I'll make us some, you look tired what happened?" She asked me with an look I couldn't read. " some SHIELD agents almost saw me after i murderd like 10 men in an ally." I explained. " I doubt you got tired form oly running away from SHIELD because I remember you saying 'i have the greatest stamina in the world'." She was mocking me and i wanted to get back at her but im really hungry and i know that if i say something that I'll not get my food. " first of all i don't sound like that second I haven't slept in days so..." she came walking back to the living area and we ate our food while binge watching some B99, fucking love that show. After we cleaned everything up i went to my comfortable bed.

I've been looking for any clues, at one point i am just staring at the wall in front of me thinking about how i could find her. When Bucky told me that i once caught her when i was in a mission in Ohio i got completely spooked i already forgot about that interaction. Every time I think about Ohio i just miss my sister, im so scared that she hates me. I didn't want to leave her behind but i had no other choice. I cab feel tears swelling up in my eyes. " Nat walls don't t have eyes do winning a staring contest is impossible." I quickly blinked the tears away and turned around to see Wanda standing there with a sweet loving smile. " come on I'll help you with work tomorrow lets go to bed." The thing i love about Wanda is that she's always so caring and loving. "Sure, why are you up?" I asked not knowing that its 5 am already. " Nat its morning go to bed, sleep, relax for today and we'll work on it tomorrow. Im heading out for training call me if you need anything, have a nice sleep." With that she left and i did what she told me to and tried to go to sleep but being exhausted that happend faster than i thought.

I know the MCU storyline doesn't really catch up but it's for the story have a nice
Evening/ morning/ something in between

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