Journey to Alternate Realities, Part 1

Depuis le début

I saw Loading glaring at me, so I told him. "You wanna fight you black ni-" I was cut off as he summoned a billion dark hands. Of course, I spammed my blasters once again, decimating Loading, but not killing him.

He wasn't dying, so I used one of the abilities I absorbed from AM. "Gen" I spoke out as Loading immediately combusted into code, with no remains of him. I quickly absorbed this entire Mainframe, giving me a boost I couldn't comprehend.

Loading's POV

I saw the human decimating AM, as well as killing everyone in his path. Knowing that he will absorb the Mainframe, I summoned a billion dark hands. Before that, he told me if: "YOU WANNA FIGHT YOU BLACK NI-"
getting cut off as he was hit by my attacks, but only pushed back.

He summoned billions of blasters which I couldn't dodge for some reason. It decimated my body, nothing that the Mainframe couldn't fix.

But I forgot that he had ONE ability that he could use to kill me for good, and he used it. "Gen" he said and the last thing I felt was my code being killed at a very fast rate.

3rd Person POV

After John absorbed the Mainframe of this A!Multiverse, he proceeded to kill the main Alphatale characters quickly, as allowing them to transform would give him more trouble.

He got 404s strings and Blue Mastery, Alpha!Sans' double eyes, Omni!Sans' lightning attacks including his infamous OMNILOCK DESTROYER, Infected!Sans' Wisps, but no transformations. Although knowing the stronger they were the more power he gets, he didn't want to risk dying yet again.

He ventured to another Reality with an Alphatale, this time destroying it from the outside using a trillion blasters, killing everyone inside. He absorbed the Mainframe of this Reality before its Loading could reach him. He used Gen and Loading also combusted into code fragments.

He did this to a dozen more Alphatale Realities until he decided to try befriending some Sanses, remembering he didn't have much friends in his past life.

John's POV
I felt bad, awful even when I kill. I killed an unfathomable amount of AUS, as well as Multiverses. I decided I wanted to make some friends, I felt tired of all this senseless killing, and because I felt very lonely.

I blitzed to a random Reality with an FGod Multiverse, the shockwave alone nearly destroying it. I saw the Error and Ink fighting. I wanted to help Error, but I had to conceal my presence.

FGod Error's POV
I've been fighting Ink yet again. The worst I did is trap the army of copies he has in string cocoons. I maybe a destroyer, but I don't kill, especially without purpose.

Ink gathered tens of billions of Sanses copies from different Multiverses to (hopefully) stop me for good. I was becoming exhausted because of trapping them all. "Should've killed them when given the chance..." I thought.

As I was dodging millions of bones and blasters, I thought about why I destroyed AUS, and Multiverses on rare occasions.

IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF F̴̢̛̗̹̼̮̲̪̼͕̓͒̃̆̑̊̓̇̔̆̓͝Ą̵̘̥͉̘͖̱̥̺̿̀̈̒̂̅̀̅̈́̓̏͊͘͝T̶̢̧̨̝̺̺̿̑͆̀͋̎̅̓͘̕͝Ě̵̢̧̛̦̼̜̲͕͕͍̤̙͉͓́̅͒̽̍̐͋͜͝ that I had to do this.

This Reality is finite, if too many Multiverses accumulate it will implode the Reality from the inside. I had to destroy tens of millions of Multiverses to keep the balance stable.

In exchange for the guilt I was given, I obtained POWER from destroying countless Multiverses. I never wanted to do this, but I'm forced to.

Thousands of Sanses used their blue magic on me, freezing me long enough to be hit by billions of blasters.

I was exhausted, kneeling on one knee, as Ink yelled out: "THIS IS IT ERROR, AFTER THIS ATTACK, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DESTROY A MULTIVERSE EVER AGAIN!!"
I braced myself for impact... But it never came.

John's POV
After seeing Error almost dying, I decided to interfere. I summoned a bone wall durable enough to take on the blast, gaining only a slight crack.

Ink seemed surprised, but I didn't let him do anything else. I healed Error while attacking Ink and the copies with trillions of attacks such as bones, tridents, knives, and millions of black orbs the size of a universe.

They were taken aback, most of the copies were annihilated while the remaining once teleported away. The only ones remaining was Ink and Error.

I teleported inside the FGod Multiverse,
stabbing Ink with a sharp bone while summoning millions of blasters behind me.
Ink was frozen in shock, the blasters all fired and hit him so hard it sent him to the edge of this Reality.

Error asked: "Who are you?". I told him my name and he thanked me for saving him. I asked him if I could help him stabilise the balance in this Reality and he agreed.

With a few hundred blasters I wiped out 20 Billion Multiverses in this Reality, leaving only 10 Billion.

He was shocked and terrified, thinking of how much destruction I can (will) do. I told him I won't kill him and in fact came here to help him.

(1502 words, will be updated every 2 days or if i don't laze around 1 update every day).

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