That day, in the training session, if Shubman was hitting his shots extra hard, nobody said anything to calm that boy down.

A week later after that night, Ishan had fully convinced himself that it could have been anyone but Shubman. Yes, a decade back, a very teenage Shubman did kiss his mole on his throat three times and said those sweet words the same way, but that did not mean The Shubman Gill, a world-famous cricketer would suddenly visit this shabby brothel and pay to meet him, and that too blindfolded.

For the first two days, Ishan had felt really embarrassed thinking how he had completely broken down due to his own imaginary dilemma in front of a total stranger who paid fucking five lakhs to spend the night with him. Ishan should have given the time of his life, instead he had turned into a total sobbing mess and falling asleep. A customer paying that amount of money, is a customer worth being a regular for Ishan. And he had just blown away the chance. And he had felt nice. He was understanding, had hold Ishan close, whispered words of love to calm him down, put him to sleep and left only in the morning, as Mayank had told. So Ishan really wanted the person to come back.

That man did not come, but Raghuvanshi came though. And with him, came two of his friends who had visited before as well.

Of course, Raghuvanshi did not like how someone else would just come in and took Ishan from his arms. He was Ishan's regular after all.

And Ishan understood that. So, he did the next best sensible thing he thought would be. He couldn't let Raghuvanshi go for a guy who had showed randomly on night with bulky amount in his pocket.

Raghuvanshi was his staple.

Thus, Ishan had just smile, almost a genuine one, and knelt down on the floor in front of Raghuvanshi.

"I know you missed me, baby. Isn't it?" Raghuvanshi dragged a finger along Ishan's jawline, to which he gave a meek nod.

"I am sorry we couldn't be together last week." Ishan desperately wanted to say he did not mind at all. "So let's have fun now, pretty boy."

Ishan felt the two other men standing behind him.

He knew what was coming. He only could bite the insides of his cheeks and gulped. Putting a final smile on his face and looking up with his doe eyes and a giggle, he said, "Yes daddy!" and proceeded to open Raghuvanshi's belt and unhook his pants.

Shubman never had thought he would enter a brothel in broad day-light, a time when anyone could spot him or any camera.

Well, Sebastian was with him.

And anyway he cared way less than he probably should.

Meeting Ishan, without any veil or a mask, was his priority.

Sebastian directly escorted him to the room where Ms. Naina, the head of the brothel and her PA, Jagdish sit. Only he was sitting in the room right now.

Jagdish looked up from his phone to see who had entered and upon seeing the two, he did not miss a single second. He immediately called out, Mayank who was passing by the room.

"Mayank, come here quickly escort this gentleman to Ishan's room."

Shubman saw a man around his age coming into the room to face them. He saw a startled face and Shubman can pin point the exact moment when the man's brain had kicked into realisation. A famous face like him in not hard to remember.

However, Mayank controlled himself. He turned towards Jagdish.

"But kaka, Ishan-"

"No buts! Get him to Ishan now."

Mayank pursed his lips, "Okay." And gave a curt "Follow me" to Shubman and his manager.

Crossing the corridor and climbing up the stairs, Mayank asked Sebastian to not follow anymore and him and Shubman stopped after three or four rooms along the hall.

And immediately they both heard a sensual moan and deep groans coming out of the room.

"You wait here until he finished with his customers." Mayank hissed out, not so friendly.


Shubman heart did an unknown lurch at the plural form of the word.

But okay, he will wait.

Shubman and Mayank took two chairs to seat at the end of the hall, from where they saw, three men leaving, smile and glow on their face coming out of the room and just leaving as if they own the place.

Mayank immediately catapulted from his seat and entered the room, but not before saying, "Come in after fifteen minutes or so" directly to Shubman's face, with a pointed finger.

But damn Shubman if he ever listened to someone except himself.

He should have though.

Cause when he entered the room just a few minutes after Mayank, nothing could have prepared him for the sight.

"Bring a robe or something as well Mayu!" the person called out.


He sat there in the centre of the bed, fully naked, hair mushed up, the honey skin littered with red angry bruises. He was trying to get into a comfortable sitting position, seething sometimes.

He must had felt Shubman's presence at the door and immediately turned around.

Shubman's saw those same eyes, he had last seen so many years ago, filled with tears, today widening, filling up in shock. Then fear and then disgust struck with realization.

Ishan immediately scampered to pull the bed sheet around his naked waist.

Shubman's eyes softened and an unknown feeling gnawed his heart.

He quickly came forward, opening his jacket, and pushing it towards Ishan.

"Take this for now."

And suddenly Ishan's eyes hardened and spoke in an eerily cold voice. 

"I didn't know I had anyone to attend to now. But anyway, I don't think this short jacket will help with my modesty, considering you would love to have me rather naked."


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