I am no ordinary woman, my dreams come true

Start from the beginning

Valyrian looking man.
"Your daughter? She is the daughter of Aerys and Rhaella." I responded not understanding how she could be the daughter of a god.
"She WAS their daughter. She is no longer. But one of her titles was Daughter of Death, because she is beloved by me." Him emphasizing was, hurt.
"I didn't know that she was innocent. I didn't know she was carrying my children. So when will you collect the debt?" I ask, hoping he collects soon. I cannot live with knowing I killed my children.
"The debt?" He said sounding amused. "My life. I took hers, I owe a life debt."
"It is not that simple. You took three lives. But you only have one life to give, Son of the North."
"You call her a daughter of Valyria but me a son of the north. Why is that?" The question came from a place of confusion, as we know Rhaegar was my sire and he had the same blood as Dany.
"She is a dragon, she will always be a dragon, and she will always be Valyrian as it was the only thing she had all her life she held onto that. You found out you have the blood of the dragon and rejected everything about it except flying. Why would I claim you as a Son of Valyria when you refuse to accept it yourself? No, you will always be a wolf of the north. A descendent of men who killed the Warg Kings and raped their daughters to breed magic into their line. Whereas she will always be the daughter of shepherds who were slaves that freed themselves, then rose their power to end the Old Ghiscari who subjugated many. She will always be the daughter who freed slaves, righting the wrongs of her ancestors country after they took too much." Balerion stated with pride in Dany.
"If my life is not enough then why have you come to me?" I asked, tired.
"Well, you needed to know the truth. And I wish to know what you are going to do with it. You killed my daughter for this crime, now you have to decide what you are going to do to the true perpetrator." Balerion said, without holding back his anger from his words.
"You want me to kill my brother." I said, horrified by the thought of killing Bran.
"Your brother, as you call him, no longer lives. The Three Eyed Raven inhabits his body. I wish for justice. He broke the laws of skinchangers by skin changing into a human. He committed an atrocity using my daughters body. Then I wish for the truth to be known to the Realm, that my daughter was innocent and that the Three Eyed Raven known as Bran Stark committed the crime of burning Kings Landing, then I want the North to know that Sansa Stark broke a solemn oath made beneath the Heart Tree of Winterfell."
"Do I have to kill him?" I asked, hoping to not have to kill my blood.

"Did you have to kill Daenerys?" He asked, irritated.
"When I thought she committed the crime? Yes." I said, understanding where he was coming from.
"Then you have your answer. You have already slayed your fathers kin, would you show such hypocrisy for your mothers kin? I wonder what the she-wolf would say if she could see you now."
"I will have witnesses with me when I confront Bran. So they can help let the Realm know Dany was innocent. I will end the Three Eyed Raven for the crimes he committed, but why must the North know about Sansa?"
"She swore an oath to the gods in a sacred place. She broke that oath in less than a day which led to Varys trying to poison my daughter. She must be punished for this, but as my daughter was so used to people trying to murder her that she figured out what he was doing she can't be killed for that. Therefore, the North will know her crime against the gods and her oath breaking as the North will never allow her to keep the Northern Throne. The Starks will then be known as Oathbreakers, Kinslayers, Queenslayers, and a mass murderer. This is justice."
"Why did you speak of Daenerys in the present?" I ask.
"The Fourteen Flames sent her to be with her true family. Back to the Dance of the Dragons. Where she married the Rogue Prince, Daemon Targaryen. Where this timeline has the death of dragons, the one she is in will not." She married the Rogue Prince? Why does that make so much sense and still hurt. I know I killed her, but she married in a year?
"She married so soon?"
"Neither wanted to be forced into political marriages, they became very close in the two weeks they knew each other before marrying. Spending time learning about each other's lives, sword fighting, where Daenerys never lost to him and flying together. Queen Aemma performed the marriage ceremony of Old Valyria. They proved Otto Hightowers Treason. She has hatched ten dragons since getting there and bonded to all the Dragonpit dragons, Cannibal whom she renamed Morghul, Vhagar, and Caraxes. She went to the Faceless Men to get their cooperation for ending slavery. Ser Arthur Dayne has decided to go be with her, to protect her and council her." It only took her two weeks to decide the Rogue Prince was worth marrying.
"Why would you send The Sword of the Morning?"
"When I asked her who she wanted to be her sworn sword she asked for him. But back to the debt you owe, you will never have children, the last Targaryen that mattered is dead and the weakening of the bloodline is what caused Aerys. I do not want any other Targaryens like him, Rhaegar, or Viserys." She didn't ask for me, obviously because I killed her, but why does Balerion not send me anyway to help her?
"Why were they so different from Daenerys and Rhaella?"

"The women of Valyria were always strong. But the lack of dragons to balance the Targaryens, along with the machinations of the Citadel and the Faith of the Seven left the magic in their blood unbalanced. You will not have to worry about this because of your Direwolf and the blood the Warg Kings that runs through your veins. My daughter did not have to worry about it because of her three dragons. Rhaella was too abused to care about anything but her children." And with that Balerion decided he was done with our conversation and left, which woke me up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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