Aemma, Daemon and I sit down to eat our morning meal together when we start discussing the issues we have with Viserys' ruling style.
"The king is an impressionable leader, he alienates his powerful allies because his Hand makes him believe they are unstable, he has a difficult time enforcing order or holding others accountable. He is inconsistent in conviction, and has tenuous double standards. Daemon and Corlys would have been his strongest allies on the small council but he essentially lets the Hand make all the decisions without truly giving consideration to any other suggestions. With Aemma he only sees her as a wife, not someone to talk through decisions with or get opinions from. We need to figure out a way to force him to look to other sources rather than the Hand."
"If I kill the Hand, he will have no choice," of course that comes from Daemon.
Aemma laughs lightly, "then we will have to make sure you don't get executed for it."
"The great thing about being dragonriders is that we can leave at anytime. Not that I am saying we should just start out by killing him without proof. But if we have to kill him without proving his crimes, then we can get away quickly. I think I would enjoy playing with him. There is no doubt they will see my children and he will want to get on my good side, whether to use me or to convince me to leave Westeros. Princeling, make sure anytime the maesters get near your food or drink you don't consume it, if you are injured come to me and I will fix it, I don't want them to get rid of you since they can no longer force you to marry or can't control you."
"Of course, little dragon."
Over the three days of travel we discussed every possibility we could think of for problems that could come up and how we should all respond to them. We play with the hatchlings and talk about our plans for after our mission in Westeros is complete. Daemon and I spar on the deck of the ship in the mornings, the guards consternation to a woman wielding a sword is obvious but they dare not say anything to us about it. And the surprise on their faces when they see my skill makes me feel smug.
We make it to Kings Landing and mount the horses to ride to the Red Keep, Aegarax, Shrykos and Fyrestorm are with me, Tessarion and Gaelithox are with Daemon, and Rhaella and Tyraxes are with Aemma. All the adult dragons are flying overhead of us, definitely making a statement. The guards around us look nervously at one another, as is they are on their way to the executioners block. When I raise this observation in Valyrian to Daemon and Aemma they look at them and then at each other. "Little Dragon, they are worried because they witnessed my marriage, Aemma go flying, and you existing without approval from the King. They think the king will have issues with them for what happened, as if they could stop a determined dragon."
"Have you noticed that Tessarion prefers you, big dragon? I wonder if it because you both are chaotic forces of nature. Like calls to like."
"Yes little dragon I've noticed that Tessarion usually comes to me after greeting you, if they don't go to Rhaegal."

"Thief, Vorsa Anni Zhor," I tease playfully, winking at him with a smile on my face.
"Vorsa Anni Zhor?" Daemon butchers the Dothraki language. I giggle at his pronunciation which is too soft from the years of Valyrian and Common Tongue to form the guttural sounds right away.
"Kessa se daor." I spend the rest of the ride giving words in Valyrian and their translations into Dothraki, then correcting Daemons pronunciations.
When we make it to the steps of the Red Keep we dismount and everyone bows to Aemma, the guards open the doors for us, and lead us to the Throne Room. Well, not even going to allow us to ensure our stuff is put away, bathe and dress for this meeting. As we enter I look around the room to see who is here. Corlys, Otto, Rhaenyra, Lyonel Strong, the grandmaester Runciter, Lyman Bessbury, Ser Ryam Redwyne. Great, the entire small council is here.
I move off to the side to watch the interactions. Rhaenyra runs to her mother and uncle to hug them then stays by her mothers side as she walks to her husband. "You left without warning, Daemon." Viserys says with an irritated tone of voice. Otto has a pleased expression on his face, watching Viserys dress down Daemon. Corlys doesn't seem to care that Viserys is angry, probably more irritated that he didn't have Daemon here to keep things interesting or side with him during arguments.
"Yes, brother. Caraxes went to Dragonstone without me, the next day when I went for a flight with him that is where he took me."
"Why would he take you to Dragonstone without you directing him there?"
"There were three unknown dragons and a woman there that he wished for me to meet."
"Three?" Viserys says incredulously, momentarily forgetting his anger in the face of unknown dragons and me, even if he hasn't acknowledged my existence thus far.
"Yes, brother. Three adult dragons. One looks remarkably like Balerion. Smaller of course for Balerion was 200 years older, but adult nonetheless."
"And the woman?" I manage to keep the smirk off my face, watching as all the men disregard my being there. I look to Aemma and she smiles at me.
"Bonded to all three of the dragons."
"Daemon, that is not possible." Hmm, very similar conversation he is being forced to have. I
wonder how he feels being on the other side of this conversation.
"I did not believe so either until I witnessed it and her bonding to Caraxes." The men around the room look disturbed by this revelation. I guess none of them want to consider a woman having control of so many dragons, especially the Blood Wyrm.
"Well, who is this woman? And where is she? If she commands three dragons and has bonded to yours, she is a danger to Westeros." I watch the guards we came with look at each other unsure if they should move towards me, because the King has declared me a danger to

Westeros or if that would be a mistake because Daemon is unforgiving and cruel and I am his wife.
"She commands more than three now. These hatchlings are hers. Seven of them. And the three adults she brought."
"Incredibly dangerous, then. You didn't answer, where is she and who is she?" Is it wrong that there is a part of that really enjoys being called dangerous? It feels like a compliment.
"She is right here, brother. The Valyrian beauty standing off the side." All the keys in the room swing to me, taking in my silver hair and purple eyes, my distinctive Valyrian facial features, my short stature but hourglass figure. There are a few of them that look at me with lust in their eyes, Otto looks crossed between desire and disdain. I wonder if the disdain is for my obvious Valyrian bloodline or because he doesn't want to desire me.
"And you did not introduce us first, Daemon?" Viserys' tone goes back to irritation. Interesting how he can swing between them effortlessly for Daemon.
"You questioned my leaving before I had the opportunity."
"Your name, Lady?" Such warmth in that tone I think sarcastically.
"Daenerys of House Targaryen, Your Grace. If you don't mind, I am more comfortable with my mother tongue."
"Of House Targaryen? There is no record of a Daenerys in my House since my aunt died."
"But not all of our house lives in Westeros, you had an aunt, that moved to Essos when your grandfather tried to force her to join the Silent Sisters. Saera was my mother. Jaehaerys was my great grandfather and you are my cousin, Your Grace." Since the entire small council is here I might as well lay the ground work now, beginning to give my cover story.
"Saera is your mother?" Viserys questions me. Either disbelieving or just cautious.
"Was, your grace. She died a few years past." I don't know how successful I am in giving the appearance of sadness for someone I haven't met that definitely isn't my mother, but he doesn't seem bothered so I guess I did decently at portraying some emotion.
"My condolences." "Thank you, Your Grace."
"How is it possible you are bonded to eleven dragons?" Back to the dragons then. I wonder if he is truly capable of one thread of thought.
"A gift from The Fourteen Flames, Aegarax has blessed me with the bonds to dragons."
Well, bold of me to bring up the gods of Valyria in Westeros. He doesn't look pleased about it, but doesn't look angered either. Viserys The Peaceful, for sure.

"What are your companions names?"
"My largest three are Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion. The ones I am holding first then, the gold hatchling is Aegarax, the black Shrykos, the silver Fyrestorm; Daemon is holding Tessarion the blue and Gaelithox the red; Aemma is holding the sunset dragon Tyraxes and her bonded dragon Rhaella." When I say Aemma is bonded to a dragon he looks disquieted.
"Viserion?" He questions.
"Yes, Your Grace. A name fit for a King, obviously, as it is a modification of Viserys." I must play the game of Westeros this time around. It would not help me to give credit to men who will not exist for 150-160 more years.
Viserys laughs at this, Corlys looks interested in the dragons but displeased at my statement. "How did you get the other names?"
"Rhaegal for Rhaenys, Drogon for Daemon, I was very young and obviously had difficulty changing the Princes name to fit a dragon. After the stories I heard of The Rogue Prince I almost changed Drogon to Demon, but his personality is already a close enough representation of Daemon, he doesn't need the name to go with it. But I wanted more family and the dragons became mine so I named the after my three eldest cousins." Corlys' face softens hearing I named a dragon for his wife. And everyone that speaks Valyrian laughs at my explanation for Drogon.
I move toward the King, taking Shrykos down from my shoulder and putting Fyrestorm there. The kingsguard move to stop me from approaching, fine then.
"To the King, Shrykos. Be nice." And I give them some extra momentum to make the short distance. They land on the Kings lap and he looks awed by the hatchling. Shrykos is staring at him with their pretty green eyes. I move to Daemon and stand at his side when Otto has had enough of not receiving attention from Viserys.
"Your Grace, her mother was a whore, she is a bastard, you can't let her stay here. And we have no confirmation that she is who she says she is." What a cunt.
"The dragons know, do you?" I say nonconfrontationally.
Corlys is next to speak, "you should not turn away blood without cause. Especially one with
such power. Her dragons at the very least prove her Targaryen heritage, Your Grace."
Shrykos is enamoring the King to the point where I have to do little to convince him. Charming hatchling. I look at Daemon to find him staring at me. He leans down to whisper in my ear, "clever little dragon. Play to their vanity. Charming and sweet. But I will get you back for what you said of me."
The king speaks up again "what are Rhaegal and Viserion like?"

"Rhaegal has emerald scales with gold accents. They are fierce and protective of their family, indulgent with the hatchlings and terribly intelligent. I have heard Rhaenys is much the same. Viserion is cream and gold colored. The least aggressive of that clutch, not that they can't be aggressive if provoked just doesn't feel the need to constantly show their teeth. Viserion is the most curious as well. It seems they all took after their namesakes." Corlys looks pleased at the description I give for his wife.
The King looks up and dismisses everyone except family, Corlys stays as he is their cousin. "I wish to meet your other dragons, Princess."
"Daenerys, please, your grace. I am not yet comfortable with the titles of Westeros being applied to me. And we can go to them whenever you wish."
"I would like to go now, Daenerys." That is quick. I look to my bonds for their approximate distance then request them to come to me.
"Of course, your grace. They are not at the dragon pit though, but I can have them land at the tourney grounds. There should be plenty of space there." We all move to leave and as we are walking out of the Throne Room I speak again. "Your Grace, I can take Shrykos back now, if it pleases you. My Lord, if you wish to send for Rhaenys, I can promise safety from my dragons as long as no one attempts to harm me." Aemma walks with her arm in Viserys', I do the same with Daemon, Corlys is on the other side of Daemon, finding him better company than the King, and Rhaenyra is walking next to her mother.
"Why do you not have them at the dragon pit? And Shrykos may stay with me or go to you if they wish, but I have no issue allowing them passage upon my shoulder."
"They prefer the freedom to roam as they have not been confined for years. Also, they grow much faster than those that are confined, your grace."
"Who is your father, Daenerys?" I am grateful for the hours Daemon, Aemma and I spent discussing my story in this moment, it appears he is using our escapade to interrogate me.
"Rhaegoro of House Maegyr in Volantis." "Do you know him, personally?"
"Yes, your grace. After my mother died, he let me live with him and his family. Thankfully, his wife didn't resent having me there. We live behind the Black Walls, where only those of traceable Valyrian heritage may reside, in a manse on a hill. It has beautiful architecture and brilliant fountains."
"You sound as though you miss it."
"Do we not all miss the things we are familiar with? I imagine when your kingly duties become frustrating you miss Dragonstones peacefulness. When the Prince needs to find peace within himself he finds it with Caraxes. When I left Volantis is was to meet my mothers family, and to see the world; especially one without slavery. Just because I have

left for now doesn't mean I will not go back. I am too much like my dragons in that way, I live for the freedom to roam, but will return to my nest when I wish it." Viserys contemplates my words for a moment, unsure of something.
"Why would you wish to travel so much?"
"Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner we were born in and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us." Thank you, Oberyn, for such eloquent words.
"Wise words Daenerys. But the world is dangerous for a young woman alone."
"I am never alone, you grace." Our conversation dies out after the finality in my statement
and we arrive to the tourney grounds soon after.
"I have already called to them. They will be here momentarily."
Minutes after arrival my children land surrounding us, everyone except Daemon and Aemma move behind me to ensure their own safety from the dragons. I go to my children and give them attention and sending love through the bond and stroking their snouts making them purr in response to me. Daemon feeling no fear steps up next to me giving the dragons his attention as well. I start whispering to them in High Valyrian explaining who everyone is and why we are here and the kings obvious disbelief that I am bonded to all of them.
"Balerion," the king says in awe of Drogon. As if he is confusing the two. Rhaenys enters the tourney grounds after that. The hatchlings fly off the shoulders of whomever they are carried on towards the adult dragons, and the adult dragons start gently playing with the hatchlings when Caraxes lands next to them. The family watches as all the dragons dance together except Tessarion who is playing their usual game of chaos and Aegarax who stayed with me. Daemon introduces Rhaenys and I to each other explaining our relation, thankfully, because I am already tired of talking today.
Rhaenyra starts running towards the dragons, dumb move. Viserys yells at her to stop and come back, because no matter how much I promise the dragons won't hurt them if they don't try to hurt me it is still stupid to run full speed at the without warning while they are not paying attention to you. Rhaenyra pouts at her parents wanting to play with the dragons but makes her way back to their sides regardless. When Viserys asks to get closer to Viserion I call to them in the bond so as not to disturb the others. Viserion makes their way to me and Viserys walks up as well. They greet each other while I am speaking to Daemon, I decide to look at our bond to see what Viserion is feeling and notice that though they are curious of all the human that smell like me they are not interested in bonding to Viserys. What seems like hours later we all head back inside, Viserys giving us leave to retire for the night. Daemon and I go to his room, or I guess our room now with all the hatchlings, even Rhaella tonight.

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