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maya hears her door open and immediately gets out of bed

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maya hears her door open and immediately gets out of bed. she told the girls to go away, and took their damn keys so how the fuck are they in her apartment?

"do i even want to fucking know how you mother fuckers got in here after i literally told you to leave?" she ends her question as she makes it to the living room and looks up to the girls.


oh shit.

that's not the girls.

"max?" despite the immense amounts of crying and screaming she's done, her voice comes out impressively steady.

"i'm so sorry liefje. please believe me when i say i am so sorry for being such a dick to you and that was all on me not you. i should have immediately listened to you because quite frankly i love you and i should have never listened to shit on the internet i know isn't true. and for the record, you didn't screw my race up that was my fault too so please don't ever ever think that you made something in my life not incredible"

she stands meters away from him and soaks in his words, apologies, and the love confession. and she's a weak woman alright? and she loves him. so she walks over to him and wraps her arms around his neck.

"i love you maxi. i think i always have." she confesses.

"and i pray you always will" he adds, before bringing their foreheads together, embracing the comfort of their silence.

he lifts up her chin to look her in the eyes.

"veux-tu être ma petite amie, belle?"
"will you be my girlfriend beautiful?" he asks in her native language. he had mentioned he had been learning a bit of french earlier on but this, this was special.

"natuurlijk" she responds.
"of course"

they both lean in, commemorating their moment with a kiss. well they try to, until the door bursts open and florence and katie topple through.



max looks at them questionably before eying maya, trying to get answers for himself.

she shakes her head, placing her forehead on his shoulder and laughs.

and to think this all started behind closed doors.

crazy, isn't it?

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