MINI/Ch.10: All For You💔

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I wanna make you guys feel bad cuz scythe isnt the villain. Also this mini-chapter contains
Mentions of abuse, just physical, nothing else
Enjoy if you wanna listen :33))

The harsh light shone in Scythe's smokey white eye. Her hands were tied around a water pole in a cold, humid room with little lighting from a small window up above in the room and the light hanging. The Father is working on something on another table. "My daughter, you're quite feisty."

"I AIN’T yer daughter, you sonnuva bitch." Scythe growled, pulling on the ropes and trying to get up. "We ain't blood. None of us are."

"Quite so. But you and Broker called me your Father."

"Ya just have anything to say."

"Maybe. You started this with me. I was hoping you could be called The Mother."

"Y' think I wanna marry YOU!? I was 19, you bitch!! What I did was an accident--"

"And you took credit for it. After True Eye, you took pride and joy in slaughtering demons like you're on a farm."

"B'cause of YOU."

"Because you got hard from it." Scythe growled, feeling Father's fingertips pulling her chin up. "You got a kick at seeing blood spill. Seeing people hurt. Don't you? Even when seeing your other Brother run from that warden on his own. No help from his dear sister."

"You MADE me do that!!"

"And you gladly accepted. You smoked a cigarette and walked off after with a smile on your face." Father pulled Scythe by the collar, a deranged grin on his face. Her pupil shivers as she looked him in his eye. "You're guilty, daughter."

"...i know. But at least I'm man enough to admit that. Manner than you, a man, could EVER BE." Father looked down at her as she spat at him, landing on his cheek. He paused before raising his hand and slapping her right in the face. She yelped and growled at the itching pain before Father grabbed her cheeks roughly, forcing another stare-off.

"Do you have a brain in there or are you just a disrespectful woman I unfortunately call my 'daughter'?" Scythe stood her ground, not budging and wincing at his roughness. "A lesson should be taught for you. As your Father, I should be the one to punish you." Scythe watched as he slowly picked up a sharp piece of glass from the messy work table and placing it to her cheek. "Now...are you going to behave? Or shall this prick go deeper than simly pinching your skin."

"Fuck you. You got my brothers locked up. And you want me t' get on my knees t' you...yer' fuckin' mental."

Scythe's breath was heavy, her dress shirt ripped with cuts digging into her skin, her chest cut, going down to her thighs and knees. Blood dripped from her face as she now had a bruise on her cheek and on her neck. Father walked behind her and cut the ropes up, knowing Scythe is too weak and in too much pain to attack back. He felt joy seeing her in pain again. "If you even can, you can get up and leave. This was simply a warning. Next time, it won't be glass going through your skin if I catch your disrespect again. Understand?".

Scythe coughed small drops of blood into her hand and dripping onto the ground. She had an angered look on her face looking up at him. "Yes, father..."

"Excellent." He walked up the stairs, closing the door like a lid and leaving a small crack for when Scythe wants to run off. Scythe was frozen, leaning against the cold concrete wall, seeing a picture of Broker in her head. She felt small tears in her eyes.

"I hope y'felt me sock 'em before he knocked me out. Those were all for you, Brokes..." Scythe pulled a cigarette pack from her jacket pocket. She lit it with a lighter in the thumb of her prosthetic arm, smoking it and taking a deep breath out.

I promise this is the last one Word count:683))

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