Ship #1

10 0 7

People: My friend(S), her crush(A)

⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨I bring all the dramamamamama I break traumamamama୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

So, it all started when, I don't know. It was just like quiet, and then a storm came. Kind of like that. So I was hanging out with my friends, and then they're talking about A liking S. So I got super confused because they also started saying S liked A and S had told me that she liked a different guy named K. So we're talking about this and they're saying S gave A a bracelet and he hasn't taken it off since. My other friend L also said that she saw A looking at S during chorus-_-.

Now, A started telling literally everyone about him liking S and EVERYONE knows. EVERYONE. Even S. So A goes on and on with telling people about his obsession until one day, and this blew my fucking mind, he went up to me and my friends L and Jo and Je and asked if we would give him S's number. Yeah. He just straight up asked us. And I have never talked to this dude before and I thought he was shy and stuff but no. He is DEFINITELY not shy. (Not shy, not me, (ITZYYY) nan da wonhae dada (NOT SHY)) 

So S gives A her number after a week of shippers(totally not me and my friends) telling her to do it because they both like each other. So one day, L and S are walking home together and they are with K and A. So A goes to his house because it's closer and L and S are left with K. K is actually really stupid and he was running in the road and almost got run over several times and S calls A to show him. According to L, it took 5 minutes for A to answer and when he did he was set up on the bed in a flirty position and said: "Hey, wassup?" with a smirk on his face.

AhEm... That's weird... anyways, that happened and they opened a gc with my friend O, B, S, and their crushes A, K, and N. They were all successful crushes so they were texting each other and A says: 🤫❔♂️. O and B were like: wtf...

So A says his friend C told him to rizz up S with the "There's 20 letters in the alphabet." thing and everyone is like NOOOO! Why would you listen to C's advice? He's so stupid... Have you even met S? She would hit you bro. And A is like: S is like an angel.


Yeah. He's committed for real bro... he's a keeper. Anyways, this goes on and suddenly he is asking, what do the emojis I just sent mean? Does it give you superpowers? 

And here's the good part. S comes in and is like: no it gives you a jawline lmao

A: wait you were here this whole time?


S: Yea...

A: you saw what I said? (S looks like an angel)

S: Yesssss

A: Shit

B: Welp sucks to suck

A: Take notes K and N

B: DO not learn from him guys...

S: Dan and Alexa told me to rizz you up too A lmao

B & O: .....

A: You already did😏

B & O: .........

O: You guys should do this in your private gc...

A: True


I know that was a lot......

But there's more.

A: So are we dating now?

S: How do I respond to that...

A: Ev told me you said we were dating?

S: What?

A: ok

S: Do you want to?

A: Sure


(the chats and most of the info is from my friend O and the chats arent word for word theyre just what I remember from what she showed me)

(dont ask me for my friends real names because this is their life not mine so I can't really tell you what their real name is and I dont know and I dont want to know all the details so... yeah.)

I hope you enjoyed wasting time with me while you read whats been on my mind pretty much all day! Bye byeee~

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