Izuku nods, and the two wait for their opportunity, which quickly arrives as Overhaul warps the area he is standing on into a metal fist and sends the number one hero flying. Before Overhaul can do anything, izuku shouts "NOW!" Both Izuku and Nishida charge at Overhaul with their quirks active, with Nishida throwing his explosive quills and izuku attempting to touch Overhaul.

Eventually, Nishida gets an opening, throwing two quills at Overhaul, which pierce the inside of his elbows before Nishida can celebrate, Overhaul looks at him and shouts "DIE YOU FILTHY RODENT!"

Before Nishida can do anything, the area around him shifts, and he's pierced through the gut. This causes izuku to freeze, leaving him open to attack. Fortunately, Overhaul would not be able to attack as the time limit before the quills explode reaches zero and overhauls arms explode, severing his hands and forearm from the rest of his body. Seeing this, Overhaul has a mental breakdown and begins running towards a hole, most likely created by the heroes. Izuku looks at his old friend, who says, "What are you doing? Go get that bastard. I didn't just sacrifice my life so that sick fuck could escape. I already knew I was a dead man, Izuku, and I'm at peace with that, but Izuku, you, Himiko, and Eri have your whole lives in front of you, so you better not make my sacrifice, a pointless one you hear."

Izuku nods his head and decides to activate the nanomachines that the ringmaster forcibly injected into him to increase his speed. He quickly catches up to the bleeding villain, but he sees that Overhaul is about to literally run into All Might, so to prevent All Might from getting a hold of him, Izuku shouts <b>OVERHAUL!!</b> Miraculously, this causes the villain to stop and turn around. The last two things the psychotic germophobe would see izuku rocketing towards him with his quirk activated. Next, he sees Izuku grab his face, and the world around him is no more. It warps and twists into a room full of sick and dying people, causing Overhaul to have a major heart attack. The levels of fear he feels are too much for his brain to handle.

Once Izuku sees Overhaul's body go limp, he lets go of the body and begins to laugh, as the man who had spent the last year of his life torturing Izuku and his family is finally dead. The laughter quickly stops when All Might speaks up, "YOUNG MAN, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THAT MAN?"

Izuku calmly answers with, "I made the man live his worst nightmare until his brain could no longer take it, and he died."

All Might raises an eyebrow and asks, "WHY?"

Izuku responds with "because he deserved it. Now, I am willing to hand myself in. I just have one request. I have family hiding in my cell. Let me tell them it is safe to come out, and I will hand myself over to you."

In all of his years of being a pro hero, Toshinori Yagi has never seen a villain who was so willing to kill someone. Also, be someone willing to hand themselves over immediately after doing so. After regaining his composure, as the whole situation shocked him, he tells the young man, "I WILL LET YOU GO TELL YOUR FAMILY THAT IT IS SAFE TO COME OUT, BUT I WILL COME WITH YOU AND IF YOU ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE, I WILL STOP YOU."

Izuku shrugs before saying, "Fine by me. I already know my fate is sealed, and I also already know that my family should be safe with the deal I made with the underground hero Eraserhead." All Might's eyes go wide, but before he can say anything, Izuku says yes, I am the person who leaked the information about this place, so you pro heroes could do this raid and if you're going to ask, why simply I'm sick and tired of watching the two girls I love suffer at the hands of these sick fucks that I'm willing to give up my freedom in life to guarantee they are safe." as he was saying that he was looking directly at All Might's who nods understanding what love of a family can make someone do you. The two of them walk back the way Izuku had to come and see the carnage of most of the fights. We're all done with only a few of the nameless pit operators, still fighting the sidekicks and lower-ranked heroes. Once they walk past Nishida's now dead body, a small tear forms in Izuku's, but he doesn't let it break him as he sees that Nishida apparently died with a smile on his face, which is how his old friend said he wanted to die. They continue to walk and eventually reach Izuku's cell. Izuku knocks on it three times and then says the password: "A hero saves the day with a smile on his face, no matter what."

As soon as he says that, the door opens, and Himiko tackles Izuku to the ground and says, "You better not go rushing off into danger and leave  Eri and me behind ever again."

Izuku responds to that with, "I won't do that ever again. Now, we need to follow All Might. He will get us out of here and to safety."

Hearing the name All Might, Himiko looks up and sees the pro hero looking at them. She quickly gets up and bows to him before saying, "Thank you for saving us. For years, we've been stuck here, and it has been hell for all of us."

All might respond with "DO NOT WORRY MA'AM I'M JUST DOING MY JOB. NOW LET'S GET YOU ALL OUT OF HERE AND SOMEWHERE SAFE WHERE ALL CAN TALK" and with that, All Might, the little family of three out of the Pit. Two of them cannot believe they have finally been rescued, while the third is saddened about what he had to sacrifice to make certain this rescue occurred.</p>

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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