✰ 𝒍𝒆𝒘𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒕𝒐𝒏

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Age ain't nothing but a number.

Part 2.

It had been two weeks since that incident, since then you both haven't seen each other or talked. Lewis avoided your texts and calls saying he was busy. You knew that was bullshit , an excuse to be away from you and avoid the impending conversation. Confrontation he knew he was going to get.

The Las Vegas Grand Prix came around and things weren't any better. Lewis still didn't talk to you behind the scenes. In public when it had anything to do with media he would talk with only a few short sentences. This made you annoyed, angry a lot of emotions. At the way he was ignoring you plus acting like you were barely there.

Lewis did feel a bit bad but he thought this was for the best. To distance himself from any relations of the sort that deemed inappropriate. His mind was torn into two but he dared not to show it, especially to you.

You had enough though, you wanted to know what the 39 year old was thinking, what he felt and why the heck he avoided you so much. Yeah you both might have some tricky things happening but you were still friends or to you , probably that was done too.

You had just walked into the Mercedes motorhome after doing some interviews post qualifying, making your way upstairs you went to find Lewis.

You knocked on door and a voice sounded. "Who is it?" Silence followed you knew if you said anything he wouldn't open it and the door was locked.

"Who is it?" He said a bit louder. Again saying nothing to reply.

Grumbles came from his mouth clearly annoyed that he didn't get an answer. The door opened and the scowl was clear on his face , he'd recognised you and went to close the door. You put your hand out to stop him.

"Lewis please" you pleaded as you just wanted to talk to him after everything. Lewis sighed and thought for a moment, opening the door wider, letting you in.

After the door was closed there was silence, it was deafening but you soon broke the silence."Why have you been ignoring me? Do you suddenly hate me or something?"

"No I don't" quickly shutting down that thought of yours.

"Oh you don't, then why have you been ignoring me?" You said with sarcasm.

"I've been busy." He simply said.

"Busy?" Scoffing at the excuse. You were irritated and rightly so.

"You are such a dick." You said as your voice carries an angry tone.

"You think this is okay? To play with my feelings like that. You know how I feel about you and you go and did what you did to then ignore me for weeks!"

He sighed and looked down thinking of what to say, Lewis had to tread carefully, think of a good way to say this without looking selfish. "Y/n I'm sorry, but I can't be that man for you."

"Why not, tell me why we can't be?" You replied still angry.

"Our age! Or the fact that we are teammates." He said.

You sighed. "Is that what you're worried about?" Your eyes never leaving his. "Our age , come on Lewis we're both adults here so, so what?"

"15 years ain't small y/n, you should be dating your age range." He replied arms crossed.

"I don't want them , I want you for crying out loud." You walked up.

"And you want me too, at the party, I saw the way you looked at me, flirted." You said as you voiced softened, showing the under layers of emotion you hidden. "Please don't lie to me. I saw it"

His face still blank , but his eyes were a different story telling you all you had to know. "How are you so sure this would work huh? Are you ready for the media, the hate that comes with me?"

"Just because we want something doesn't mean we should do it." He finished.

"What's that supposed mean?" You stepped even closer.

"Lewis I never been so sure about someone in my life. My feelings are real and to be honest we would not be doing anything wrong. So please the Lewis I know is in there would give into these feelings. Do what he wanted." You gazed into his eyes, some much vulnerability and emotions were showing some for Lewis. He sighed as he stepped closer to you.

"I love you Y/n , I should have told you that a long time ago." He leaned in cupping your cheeks, for a kiss, a long kiss. Butterflies shot through your stomach, you were finally getting the man you wanted and it felt sweet, intoxicating and amazing. Lewis finally gave into his desires and temptations and he wasn't willingly to let you go this time. You both were in each other's embrace and was not thinking of stopping.

AN: Thanks for reading. If there grammar mistakes sorry again.

𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑼𝑳𝑨 𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑺 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن