The Signs In A Band

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Aries:The artistic member who always follows their visions. They probably have dyed hair or some funky tats and do art or most of the song writing for the band. Most likely to play the keyboard and be the the founding member. They like to do things their own way and follow prior proper planning.

Taurus:The member who low key sasses everyone yet is the cinnamon roll of the group. One of the members who actually does stuff for the band and can swing for any instrument really. Usually the last one out of the tour bus and the first one in.

Gemini:Manages to be the parental unit and the child of the band at the same time. They have a way with words so they either sing for the band or write the songs. The most likely member to end up on a tabloid who journalists love to pick on. Can probably swing for any instrument too, maybe piano.

Cancer:Cinnamon roll drummers who looks super intimidating with pink hair but live for the music and also free tacos. They're extremely talented although they don't always know this and belittle themselves in the band. Plays drums on EVERY SURFACE EVER.

Leo:The guitar player who thinks they're the lead singer. Probably runs around the stage, excessively swears for no reason, and tries to turn the band into screamo by offering their vocals. Can't sing, but they bring personality to the band.
(Tbh thisbis probably do true about me)
Virgo:Doesn't speak. Ever. They keep to themselves unless they're asked to speak, and when they do it's usually hilarious or makes you want to face palm. Starts the memes, usually stems from Instagram. Plays the bass or maybe acoustic.

Libra:The spokesperson of the band who plays lead guitar. They manage everything and make sure the members and fans are okay. They would stop a show in a heartbeat if they saw someone getting hurt. They're very blunt and manage the band's publicity, usually the bullied or forgotten member.

Scorpio:The drummer who probably wasn't an original member and secretly hates the band. They're probably the most talented member and know it too. Constantly look angry and have an intimidating presence. Their cymbals are probably smashed from how hard they hit.

Sagittarius:The guitar player who starts all the drama crap in the band. They can't sing to save their lives and probably leave the stage mid concert because they have to pee. Most likely to go solo or start another band without consulting the other members. Problematic fave.

Capricorn:The love child of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun. Plays a quirky instrument like the ukulele or the banjo and has a lot of style. They manage the band's Instagram and probably get their hair dyed/styled at least every two weeks. Raids all the clothes from Forever 21 and Zumiez.

Aquarius:The weird bassist who s**t posts and and writes really good songs. Pretty much in the love with the band and never wants to break up. They never say "my band", or anything like that and are usually spotted wearing the band's merch. The band brings them so much joy and they're very enthusiastic.

Pisces:Another weird bassist. They hang out with other bands as well as their own and make everyone cringe with awful jokes. Everyone thinks they're on drugs basically. They pretty much get along with everyone and take responsibility for EVERYTHING. Probably the reason why MCR broke up.

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