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TWS: injury, swearing, not proofread or medically accurate

Changbin, a 16-year-old with a passion for taekwondo, had found more than just strength in his sport. He found love in the form of Jungsu, his boyfriend, who shared his age and his zest for life. Despite being just two months older, Jungsu exuded a calming presence that balanced Changbin's fiery determination.

Their romance bloomed within the walls of their prestigious private school, where they navigated the challenges of teenage life together. Changbin, residing in a penthouse, led a life of luxury alongside his family. His father, Yongbok, a successful businessman, provided for them after the loss of Changbin's mother. Soyeon, his elder sister, and Chan, his older brother, completed their tight-knit family unit.

Changbin's life was nearly perfect, except for one thing – his severe allergy to cats. Although he rarely encountered felines due to their absence from his home, the mere thought of them triggered his allergies. Despite this, Changbin and Jungsu's relationship thrived, supported by understanding and affection.

One fateful day, as Changbin and Jungsu strolled through the city park, they stumbled upon a litter of abandoned kittens. Jungsu's heart melted at the sight, but Changbin's joy was tainted by his allergy. However, not wanting to disappoint his boyfriend, Changbin agreed to take a closer look.

As he reached out to pet one of the kittens, his allergies instantly flared up. Sneezing uncontrollably, Changbin struggled to breathe as Jungsu rushed to his side, concern etched across his face. With quick thinking, Jungsu scooped up the kittens and carried them away from Changbin, ensuring his safety.

Despite the scare, Jungsu's actions only deepened Changbin's love for him. Grateful for his boyfriend's understanding and support, Changbin realized that love truly conquers all – even allergies. From that day forward, they embarked on a new journey together, navigating life's obstacles hand in hand, with unwavering love and devotion.

As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the city, Changbin stepped into the familiar dojo for his taekwondo practice, accompanied by Jungsu. Changbin's muscles tensed with anticipation, ready to immerse himself in the rigorous training session ahead.

Jungsu, always supportive of Changbin's passion, watched from the sidelines with admiration as his boyfriend joined his friends Minho and Felix. The trio exchanged playful banter, their camaraderie evident in their easy smiles and shared inside jokes.

"Hey, Changbin, ready to show us some of those impressive moves?" Felix teased, nudging Changbin with a playful grin.

Changbin chuckled, a spark of competitive spirit gleaming in his eyes. "You know it, Felix. Just try to keep up," he replied, flashing a confident grin.

Their instructor, a stern but fair man named Master Park, called the class to attention, signaling the start of their training session. As the students lined up, Changbin and Felix instinctively gravitated towards each other, their mutual respect evident in their synchronized movements.

"Today, we'll focus on refining our forms and perfecting our techniques," Master Park announced, his voice carrying authority and wisdom earned through years of dedication to the martial arts.

Changbin nodded, his focus sharpening as he mentally prepared himself for the challenges ahead. Beside him, Jungsu observed with keen interest, marveling at the grace and precision with which Changbin moved.

Throughout the practice, Changbin's dedication and skill shone brightly, earning praise from both his instructor and his peers. As Master Park singled out Changbin and Felix as the best in the class, a sense of pride swelled within Changbin's chest, bolstering his confidence even further.

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