The Witch

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"Come on Bella!" I said while giving her nudge in the side with my right leg.

I needed to get to the tower fast, before the evil witch got back.

The princess was probably worried sick.

Another kick in the side was enough to get Bella moving again.

She galloped faster and faster and my view of the castle got clearer.

As soon as we arrived I saw Angeline, our country's beautiful young princess.

She was leaning out of the tower window, desperately begging for help.

Tears were streaming down her dainty face, understandably, because she didn't want to get killed.

But suddenly, she turned opposite of me with a shocked look on her face and pointed to something in the distance.

I followed her finger - which was of course pointing to the evil witch.

The dastardly thing started yelling at me, shouting something that I couldn't quite hear.

But she got closer and closer and finally I began to hear something.

"Will!" she yelled.

Why was she saying my name?


Her face distorted, turning into a horrifying monster.

I shot up out of bed, finally awoken from my dream.

There my sister was, pouting at me with that evil face of hers.

No wonder she was the evil witch in my dream.

"Will!" She said while shaking her barbies in my face.

"Come play dolls with me!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Chloe, I don't want to play dolls. None of the cool kids do that anymore."

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes at me.

"Now, when did you start caring about what the other kids thought about you? Come play with me and my barbies."

I sighed, but still went over to her dollhouse, trying to hide a smile.


12 Years Later

                            January 3, 2024

"Today we are here to announce the passing of my daughter, Chloe Isabella Nighthall. She was a sweet young woman always encouraging and uplifting. . ."

I started to tune my mother out, only thinking of my sister.

"She didn't deserve to die," I thought over and over again.

She died of lung cancer. The radiation didn't help and the doctors couldn't stop it from spreading.

I still remember her in her hospital bed, looking sickly and frail, nothing like the woman she used to be.

But nevertheless, she still had that same smile on her face, even though she knew her days were soon going to end.

Tears were threatening to spill from my face as I ran out of the pew, and out of the church.

Once my my car was in view, I began to slow down.

But that didn't stop me from tripping on a stray rock.

I fell straight down, my head landing on the same rock that caused me to trip.

My vision got blurry and soon I slipped into eternal unconsciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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