Before We Ever Wrote A Song

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Word Count:


Harry just can't be around Louis when he's flirting outrageously with Chad Michael Murray. So what if he's the star of one of the country's most popular shows? Harry's seen an episode or two and it's not that great. Sure, the drama is exciting and all the actors are attractive and it's shot in his hometown, but still. Not that great. Certainly not great enough for Louis to fall over himself every time Chad enters the coffee shop. 

Harry doesn't want to watch the over-the-top spectacle, which is why he usually retreats. 

And besides, it hurts to see the boy he's in love with flirting with someone else. 

Or: Harry and Louis work in a coffeehouse on a film studios lot, and Harry wishes Louis would pay half as much attention to him as he does the famous actors.


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