The new president

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Almost 6 years later

Coriolanus Snow. The new president of Panem. His studies at the academy had not even been completed for a year. And he was the youngest too. Today he would be presented to the districts through a live broadcast. He stood in his office and looked at himself in the mirror. A man, just in his mid-20s, looked back. Blond, full hair, a suit in the typical red of the Capitol. No trace of excitement. He was adjusting the collar of his white shirt when there was a knock on his office door. "Yes?" he asked without turning away from his reflection. His office was huge, but very empty. The large, solid oak table with three black liver chairs, a swivel chair and two chairs in front of the table took up most of the space, than there was a mirror and a sofa that was still from his predecessor. On the wall was a fireplace that hadn't been used for ages. The door opened and his cousin Tigris walked in. She was nicely dressed in a mustard yellow dress with feathers. Although yellow was the color of joy, there were deep shadows on her face. He looked at her through the mirror. "How do I look?" he asked, although he already knew her view. He knew she didn't approve of his change. Since his return from District 12, their relationship has been different. She sighed heavily. "Just like you always wanted. Gilian asked me to tell you that everything is ready." She turned away again and left. Gilian was his new assistant. He had met her during his studies. And since then she had been his confidant and you could call her a friend. If he cared about it. But he couldn't avoid saying that her presence definitely had its advantages. She was extremely intelligent, smart and always spoke her opinion, whether it was positive or negative. He looked in the mirror again. A short nod and he stepped out.

The Capitol was in a frenzy. Every employee and every deputy was smartly dressed and was frantically running around. As Coriolanus walked down the corridors accompanied by his guards, everyone immediately fell silent. Some nodded at him, others hung their heads in fear. From some came a mumbled "Mr. President." Gilian was standing at the door to the studio. She was quite short, with brunette hair. She had a nice face that was simply made up that day. She was wearing a black pants suit white blouse. Her usually somewhat disheveled hair was tied into a neat bun. The coat of arms of the Capitol hung on her jacket. "Well, who's finally showing up?" she called out to him from the distance. He grinned at her. For some reason he didn't hold anything against her. ,,Always take it easy. I'll be right on time." She put her hand on the studio doorknob. "Are you ready?" she asked quietly. "Yes," he answered firmly. She nodded and opened the door. Except for cameras and two screens, the room was empty. Only one other person was standing there. Lucretius Flickerman. The presenter of the Hunger Games and now also the introduction of the new president. Thanks, among other things, to Gilian's impulse, the media presence would be boosted. The Hunger Games should also be a spectacle. Gilian hated the games. She said: "If you have to organize this, then at least try to convey something positive. As long as that is the case with this barbarism is even possible." Gilian only worked in the Capitol because she was born in District 1 and couldn't think of anything else to do. Gilian pointed to the two monitors that stood in front of the stage. “You can see yourself in one. The districts are shown on the other." He nodded. She announced that she would wait outside and watch the broadcast separately. He stepped in front of the camera and the show started.

Lucy Gray stood in the marketplace with the entire District 12, as she did when she became a tribute. She hadn't actually wanted to go there, but Maude had persuaded her. "After all, it would be about the new president." She would have liked to have given up on the information, but it had been allowed to spread. So they all stood there and waited for the transmission. A countdown could be seen on the monitor. The monitor had been installed a few days ago. The Capitol wanted to ensure the transmission of information. When the ten arrived, it tugged at her skirt. A little girl stood next to her. Straw blonde hair and green eyes. Dressed in a simple light blue autumn dress. "Mommy, I can't see anything." Lucy Gray smiled. "Come here." She picked her up. "Oh, you're getting heavier, my darling." She was always surprised at how quickly children could grow. The 1 appeared and then the picture. Lucy Gray froze. Flickerman spoke into the microphone, but the sounds around her became increasingly muffled. "District 12, please welcome the new President of Panem. Coriolanus Snow." She stared into this man's eyes.

Coriolanus saw District 12's reaction on the monitor. There was only muted applause, some didn't clap at all. But he only noticed one thing. A young woman with a child in her arms. Lucy Grey. He saw her stony look. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Flickerman expected greetings from him, but he remained silent. "Oh, he's so humble," he said. He said something else and the broadcast was over. As if bitten by a tarantula, he stormed out of the studio. His heart was beating in his throat. He desperately looked around for Gilian "Gilian!" he shouted. She was already storming around the corner. Her heels clicked on the marble floor. "I'm already here. That was real...what the hell is wrong with you?" she asked when she saw him so upset. "Bring her here!" he shouted. "Stay calm. Who should I bring here?" "Lucy Gray. Bring her straight to me. And make sure the child is with her." "What kind of child?" she asked irritably. "A blonde girl." She thought for a moment until the scales fell from her eyes. "Oh, Coriol." "Let them be brought to my house," he said and moved away. He was fuming. He had told Gilian about his brief love affair with Lucy Gray. Could it really be that they had a child? But the age would be appropriate. Or had she had someone else during that time? Was that even her child? Maybe from one of her weird friends. Coriolanus had his head full of questions. He sprinted through the halls of the Capitol. There weren't as many people in the hallways anymore, and the few that were there looked at him with respect, but they seemed to see that something was wrong. A representative leaned over to one of her colleagues and whispered something. Coriolanus burst his collar. "Get to your work!" he shouted in a rattling voice. The two of them jumped and ran away with faces full of fear. Those standing around also ran away in fear. He had reached his office. He tore the door open and banged it at a deafening volume. He threw off his red jacket and collapsed into his chair. He tried to calm his breathing and sort out his thoughts. But he couldn't. And suddenly, he didn't know why, tears came to his eyes . He covered his face with his hands, sobbing. He felt weak and ashamed. There was a sudden knock. "Who's there?!" he screamed. He hoped his voice didn't sound teary. The door opened quietly. He looked up. Thank God it was Gilian. She closed the door behind her. "The peacekeepers are on the way. It will take a few days for them to get here." He nodded. "Thanks." She turned to leave, but he stopped her. ,,Wait. Can you stay here?" She nodded and sat down on one of the chairs in front of the desk. "She looked like me, didn't she?" he asked. She only answered after a moment. "Yes." No more was said. Patience had never been his strong suit, but he wouldn't get around it. He would confront her.

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