Chapter XXIV: A Dilemma Rescue

Start from the beginning

Rayga forcefully opened a door and finally he managed to get into the room. After that, he closed the door again.

The room is dark because the room lights are turned off. Rayga took out a fire-red rumble ball to provide illumination. Rayga saw the little children who were sitting hiding behind the bed.

Rayga walked up to them and asked: "Why are you hiding? I am Rayga from the Sydney Supernatural League."

The children looked calm and just kept silent.

Rayga realizes that they have all been hypnotized so that it is like an undead who cannot speak. Rayga decides to exit the room and check out one other room and find the same thing, they are all under the influence of Hypnos' hypnosis.

On average, each room is filled with about four to five small children. Rayga took photos of the children from the room he entered and sent the pictures via mobile phone.

Then Rayga reported through the earphones and said: "All the children are in good health, only they are all still under hypnotic influence so they can't be spoken to."

Doctor Feray asked: "Rayga, did you find Ayla?" "And Naoto?" asked Fu Mei Ling from behind the earphones.

Rayga replied: "I haven't met them both. But I'll tell you when I've met."

Rayga again infiltrates to find Naoto and Ayla because Rayga does not know that the two have been taken away by the Killer Trio.

Rayga went back down to the first floor to find information from the people below. Rayga moved very carefully. Rayga found the bedroom of the fat professor earlier. Rayga went into his bedroom, whose door was open to hear if any important information could be obtained.

The fat professor spoke to himself: "Brazen Trio Killer! Because of their orders, I had to leave my beloved things behind." Several adult magazines can be seen scattered on the bed.

The fat professor was seen transferring the data on his computer to a flash disk while continuing to grumble. While moving the data, he also opened a movie containing footage of women taking a bath.

At this time the fat professor shouted: "Brazen Trio Killer! For years I painstakingly collected footage of women in the hospital taking a shower. They simply say leave all your personal belongings, bring your research data and we have to leave here. Luckily the three of them had already left so I had time to move the recording data to the flash drive. Let's go faster! ... A sluggish computer!"

Hearing that the Killer Trio was gone, Rayga felt that this was important information. This meant that there were only lower-class Dark Assasins army members left that he could defeat one by one.

Although still in invisible form, Rayga asked the fat professor: "If the Killer Trio are gone, who else are you afraid of?"

The professor replied without looking: "Galen and Galeno, others who else can scare me?" while searching for the origin of the sound but he found no one.

Rayga came out of the professor's room and saw that there was no one around them. It seemed like the soldiers of the Dark Assasins were still busy arranging items.

Rayga turned off the invisible ring ability and re-entered the room and said: "I am the one who can scare you" as he closed the bedroom door.

The fat professor is shocked, Rayga tries to strangle the fat professor's neck to scare him.

The fat professor didn't give up easily, he gave off a 5 cm protective flame-red aura. He wants to fight Rayga to the best of his ability.

Rayga took out a red aura of fire 50 cm and punched his stomach which made the professor a pain. Rayga can easily squeal it quickly.

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