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"I'll make you remember exactly Who you belong to!" Shadow snapped, as he started to undo his belt, from his own pants.

Sonic lets out a squeak, when the belt was slammed hard only his bare back...holding back the tears, and whimpering. "S-Shadow you k-know I-AHHH!?!" He  screamed when another hard smack collided with his back, causing his quills to raise in defense.

"LIES!?!" Shadow growled.

Sonic couldn't get another word in, before he was hit hard on his back again...he could started feeling the cold natural air on his back, as well as the warmth of his own blood coating his fur.

Every time he tried to explain himself, another hard smack to his bare back, leaving another harsh gash.

"Anything Else Hedgehog!" Shadow demanded.

Sonic swallowed his tears, as he just shook his head, with caused him to get another smack onto his back...shaking his just ended up passing out.

Shadow pulled his hand away from the blue hedgehog's head, and looked at the damage he had done...it wasn't enough, since he hadn't gotten his boyfriend to submit to him fully. Picking up the blue hedgehog he carried him further onto the cabin.

Upon opening the door, was a singular room, with a black queen size bed, with white sheets...and railing perfect for handcuffing someone down. Chains hanging from a pulling system, a box of sexual toys, and a closet filled with some objects. Shadow didn't really waste time with stripping the rest of Sonic's clothes off his body.

Along with his socks and shoes. Clamping down the chains to each of the blue hedgehog's wrists, and using the pulling system to hold the blue hedgehog up, by his arms over his head. He opened up the box of sex toys, pulling out white blindfold, and ball gag.

The moment that Sonic started to gain consciousness...he couldn't call out to anyone. Only muffle...as he felt something hard and round keeping his mouth open, as he tried to move his hands he found that they were forced above his head.

"I swear, I can't take you anywhere without you flirting with someone." Shadow mutters to the struggling hedgehog.

"Mmm!" Sonic muffles, he only flinched when a powerful thin like object smacked against his back, with a much harder force leaving a nasty gash in the blue hedgehog back.

The whipping only continued, and the blue hedgehog could helplessly muffle as tears started to stain his cheeks and mouth, as the whipping had migrated to his torso.

"Mmm!" Sonic breathed out as he can only feel the stringy feeling from his gashes and the cold natural against his skin. He only flinches when felt his erection starting to grow.

"Mmm..." he pleaded to Shadow.

"No Mercy! Hedgehog, you need to know your damn place!" Shadow growled as he whipped the blue hedgehog much harder but this time on that plump rear of his. Making a muffle cry escape his lips.

Sonic closed his legs to the best of his ability, to hide his erection...but he only ended up letting out a lustful muffle and cry of pain from another smack of the whip.

"I bet she couldn't get you turned on!" The Black Hedgehog growled looking at the throbbing cock that was in front of him. After he stepped around Sonic.

Sonic flinches when his cock was touched by Shadow, a bit of pre-cum coated his thumb. Not satisfied...he walked over to the closet and started to grab some rope.

Using the rope he started to tie Sonic's legs together, but spread apart so that he had perfect of Sonic's cock and hole.

The blue hedgehog only muffles against the ball Gag, to get the black hedgehog to stop but sadly that never happened.

"MMM!" Sonic muffles when he felt something hard being slipped onto his throbbing erection.

"If you want to be a Slut to much, than I'll make you one!?!" Shadow harshly growled, as he grabbed an extra large dildo, not nothing to lubricated the dildo, he just forced into the blue hedgehog's ass creating making the hedgehog muffle out and cry.

"I'll come back for...but you better had thought about you mistakes." Shadow scolded as he turned the vibrator from the highest setting before just leaving his crying and muffling boyfriend alone in that cabin.

✩ ✩ ✩

About the time that Shadow had came back to check on his boyfriend, he had found him kind of half conscious...with his balls swollen...to the point the of causing him discomfort, but the dildo completely out of his hole and onto the floor. Which only caused the black hedgehog to growl.

Removing the ball gag from Sonic's muzzle, that hedgehog started panting.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Cum...It...hurts...p-please let me cum..." Sonic whimpered out, as his cock was just twitching, against the ring that was preventing the blue hedgehog to release.

Shadow not pleased with answer started to move the hedgehog, onto the bed...making the hedgehog whimper...and plead more. Before just grunted when his head was forced onto the mattress, his tail covering his red rear. The snapping sound and the feeling a collar being placed around Sonic's neck.

"GAH!?!~" Sonic gaged when the leash was pulled harshly. He only whimpers begging for Shadow to stop when feeling something hard rub against his hole.

"Still want to be Dog!" Shadow said, smacking Sonic's rear making him cry out.

"AHHH!??" Sonic screamed when Shadow fulling slammed his own erected cock into his partners. He wasn't gentle with his partner.

"AHH!!...I...Explode!?!" Sonic mutters out through his sobs, as he could just feel his balls about to burst.

"Then Say it!?!....Who do you belong to Dog!?!" Shadow demanded, pressing his entire weight onto the blue hedgehog.

"Y-You!?!" Sonic repeatedly screamed back, through his raspy voice.

Shadow only had a grin on his muzzle as he reached around Sonic, and pulled the cock ring off his boyfriend. Only groans as he just relieved himself...onto the sheets, of the bed.

Sonic's body was just trembling...as his muzzle was stained with his saliva and tears...collapsing onto the bed after releasing his load.

Shadow started to untie the blindfold and rope from Sonic's body. The blue hedgehog was just whimpering and sniffing as he just hugged Shadow.

A sinister grin on the muzzle.

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