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As Inhyuk never came to get us, Jisuk was the one who brought us to the hospital . I actually find this quite weird since Inyhuk is usually such a responsible guy. He must have gotten caught up in paperwork or something. It can't be easy to be the assistant of such a huge organisation. After our check-up we each parted ways and Jiwoo and I trained as soon as we got home. The next day we went to school once again and at the end of the day, I decided to be brave and go talk with Jisuk about the double eavesdropping situation. So I told Jiwoo that I was going to the bathroom for a while and left for the white haired teen's class. The first thing I saw as I came into the room was Jisuk, at his desk, ignoring the surrounding idiots trio. They kept going about how worried for him they were as "friends". Ha! What a bunch of liars. After a few seconds of their lies, he ended up answering:

- Sorry my reactions got slower and I couldn't contact you because my phone broke in the accident and I am currently using my sister's. I am leaving.

-Oh... okay...

On his way out, he finally noticed my presence and was about to avoid me but I went up to him first. My goal is to make him understand that those guys are not worthy of him and that I am sorry to have meddled in what didn't concern me. But how do I do that?Not knowing how to start the deep talk, I put on a fake smile and declaring teasingly:

- What? Too scared to put them in their place?

-What do you want?

-Nothing, I am only curious. You are a really strong awakener that lost against me.

-Did you really have to add that last part?

-But why are you hanging out with such losers when you could literally send them flying anytime.

-I don't know. 


-Why did you and Jiwoo get involved?


-I don't know

The silence lasted in the deserted hallway. After avoiding each others gazes for a minute, the boy opened his mouth at the same time as me:

-Thanks for meddling.

-Sorry for meddling.


-You don't have to thank me, it wasn't any of my business and I acted like a know-it-all when my only friend is my brother so...

-I kinda liked seeing you guys speak up for me...

Shit, we talked at the same time again.

Well that is awkward... 

The conversation was getting too cheesy for my dignity to handle. I think we both got what the other wanted to say so it is time to end it and leave. But how do I flee without looking like I am fleeing? I didn't have time to ponder long enough because Jisuk acted first by advancing and patting my head leaving me stunned. He then quickly scurried away and after a while, I also went on my way to see Jiwoo. Back in our class, Jiwoo had already picked up all our stuff and was waiting for me with Wooin. I simply took my bag from him and we left. 

Outside we say Jisuk from afar, walking back home too. The little sunshine next to me was obviously unable to contain himself and called Jisuk's name. The teen turned, looked at me for a second then turned towards Jiwoo who was asking him to come hang out with us. We spent the next hour feeding the neighborhood's strays. At the beginning, it was just me and my brother actually giving the food. But soon enough, Wooin and Jisuk joined us. It is strange how a usually not specially interesting activity soon became pleasant with more people added. Is this why people need friends? When our round round finished, both boys came to hang out at ours only for our cute robot to go back home two hours later. The sunshine was brushing the kitties, Jisuk was playing on his phone and I was teasing Kayden with a feather. Quite surprisingly, everything was going so well. In my experience of years of living with the worst luck, everything was going too well even... I mean, I got myself two new friends candidates, a talking cat that has been making me stronger, a calmed down previously monster cat sleeping on our sofa. I am not usually that lucky! I was suspiciously analyzing my surroundings expecting my couch to grow a mouth and devour us all or a similarly weird event to happen, when Jisuk's phone rang. On the other side of the line we could hear Inhyuk's voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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