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"Being a New Yorker myself, I assume that you do a lot of walking. Though this is a walking cast, I would like you to stay off it as much as possible for the first seven days. Then, gradually work up to your typical activity level. No strenuous exercise until after the cast is removed, but just your daily walking." The doctor was talking to Atty, but I could tell he was saying it so that I would also hear the information. "Do you have someone to help you with running errands and such?" he asked me. I was glad that I came along or she would have just tried to do it all on her own.

"She is staying with me for the time being. We work in the same office building, so I can drive her to and from work." I didn't care what she said after the appointment, for those seven days she was staying with me.

"Good. You will likely need someone to help with portions of getting ready and showering. That can be challenging on one leg. I often suggest some sort of plastic stool or taking baths for the time being, if possible. At the very least, it would need to be covered in plastic." I made a mental note to get the same rack as Guin had, and I also planned to get a crate or something for the shower.

"After the first week, can I return to my walk-up, as long as I am not walking to the train for work?" she asked the doctor.

"Yes. That should be fine," he replied and she looked pleased with his response.

As I suspected she would be, she was quiet in the car on the way to Sinclair. She didn't like being told that she had to rely on someone. I think that the fact that she was staying with me for the whole week was starting to sink in- for both of us. What had I just agreed to? Add that to the fact that we were returning to work today and you have too many voices in both of our heads saying too many things to say them all out loud. Hence, the silence.


"She's staying at your place all week?" Declan asked as I sat in his office at a closed door meeting. I was on my phone on Amazon, ordering the soap rack for the tub at my place. I also ordered some of the snacks she liked, all to be delivered to my place today.

"Yeah. She needs help. The doctor said she wasn't supposed to walk to and from work, plus she can't really shower on her own with that cast on."

"So, what? Is she going to stay at your place until it comes off? Doesn't she live with her family the rest of the time? They can't help her?"

"But I want to," I said as I pushed' order' on my Amazon cart. "Plus, I like having her around."

"You are so far gone for her. Between you and Law, I look like I could give a shit less about Lane." My brother was not as 'passionate' in his relationships as Law and I were. His relationships always seemed like something more out of convenience than actual adoration. Don't get me wrong, I liked Lane, but sometimes I wondered if Declan did.

"You've always done the girlfriend thing differently than the rest of us."

"Yeah. I still can't believe that Law is proposing!" I replied because he had told us all about it over dinner, showing us the ring that he had made from some of mom's jewelry. The ring had ended up perfect for Guin, adding a large center stone to be surrounded by those that came from our mom. It would be showy and pretentious, which was perfect for the circle she ran in (outside of Atty).

"Another one bites the dust," Delcan says as he types something on his computer.

"You don't think you'll ever get married?" I asked him, curiously.

"I'm not sure. I thought we were going to be the bachelor twins."

"Yeah. I guess I can't see myself settling down anytime soon."

Entrapped . HSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن