Start from the beginning

I checked on the ex-monster cat who finally woke up from his continuous slumber while Jiwoo fed the rest of the kitties. I fed him tiny water droplets with my right hand because YES, dear readers, I am now able to use my power with only one hand! I don't need both of them anymore to create precise attacks! That may seem like nothing but I am honestly really proud of myself . My last fight against Wooin's teacher was like a wake up call and brutally showed me how I wouldn't be able to protect shit with my current level. The most memorable aspect of this was Kayden's face when I showed him my improvement. He seemed so baffled by my learning speed. Maybe I really am a genius?

-I can see from that shit eating grin on your face that you are currently over complimenting yourself so let me bring you back to earth. You are not even a million years closer to my level brat! Stated that orange menace while passing by me.

When my teacher wasn't looking, I stuck my tongue out at him before leaving through the front door. Jiwoo joined me a few seconds later and we marched to school together. In other words, the usual.

Arrived in class, we both noticed Wooin who ended up coming back to school as well. I stood staring awkwardly, not sure what I should do after he left so quickly after our sleepover. Aren't friends supposed to salute each other when they meet? But are we even friends? I mean, we did have a sleepover and he did fought Jisuk for us but we don't talk that much yet. 

Jiwoo interrupted my insecure rambling by going up to him and starting a conversation. I joined him and merrily chatted with the fellow teen as if my earlier panic had been a lie. It is so strange how I can freeze while trying to approach someone but when I am actually interacting with them, I got no problem. Even with bullies, I can tell them to shut up without shame. I honestly can't understand hoe the fuck my brain work. As I got out of my thoughts, I noticed the stares we were getting from our classmates during the sunshine ad the former robot's conversation. I wonder what is so interesting in three loners conversing? Get a life guys! Jiwoo suddenly stopped my glaring by asking:

-Since the three of us came back to school, do you think Jisuk as well?

-Probably, want to go check?

-Great idea, we still got time before class starts after all!

-You coming with Wooin?

-No it's alright.

Our duo then left to go check on Jisuk in class 2-1. Seeing as he wasn't at his desk we wondered if he went to the bathroom or something so we asked a passing classmate. The poor teen looked terrified after hearing Jisuk's name. At that, I was shocked because even if it doesn't excuse anything, I witnessed his bullying myself and he wasn't really the one scaring people. His lame ass friends were the ones actually moving their ass while he stood behind so shouldn't they be more spooked of the two underlings? That made me wonder what did he actually do for others to fear his name? During my inner questioning, Jiwoo finished his talk with the boy who dashed out afterwards. I then proposed:

-Hey classes are gonna soon begin, shouldn't we separated to cover more field and finish this quicker?

-You are right, I will go this way and you there.

-Okie, let's meet at the second exterior staircase in ten minutes if we didn't find him to get back to class together.

Eight minutes later ... 

I searched all the classes on my side of the school and didn't any kind of information on his whereabouts. Thus, I directed myself towards our meeting spot even if I was slightly early on our schedule. There, as I was about to turn around the corner of the exit wall to witness the small space behind the staircase, I heard a loud noise. I crouched and hid behind a low cement fence and silently observed where did that bang come from. 

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