Chapter One

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As father and I arrived back at the restaurant from our hunting trip, my mother greeted me with a kiss on the forehead. "I'm glad you're back, Y/N. Maria is sick so I'll need you to serve customers." She gave me a smile as I nodded.

After a quick shower, I hurriedly got ready, walking down the stairs to the restaurant as I put my hair up. Even though I was tired from the hunting trip me and my father took earlier, I was happy to help my mother.

Hours went by as I served all different types of customers their food that my mother had prepared. My mother's and father's restaurant was one of the best around so it was usually busy all the time.

I gave the customers a warm smile as I placed their plates in front of them, before walking away to the desk, taking a quick breather. "Table 11 is ready to order, Y/N!" I heard my mother shout as I quickly rubbed off the sweat off my forehead with my arm.

I pulled out my little notebook and pen as I greeted these customers, carefully listening to them as I took their drinks and orders.

As the last lady finishes giving me her order, I hear a loud laugh, coming from a different table. I look up and my eyes land on a young boy with a straw hat sat beside his friends, laughing profusely. I notice a green-haired guy - the only one not laughing with his friends. Our eyes lock and I give the muscular guy a warm smile before going to the kitchen to let my mother know about the new order.



The pirates take a seat in the restaurant that Luffy was so excited to come visit since he had heard so much about it and it's meat. Luffy was already causing havoc, repeatedly saying, 'Meat! Meat!' as he slammed his hands onto the table as Robin giggled at her captain.

Nami quickly smacks some sense into him as Zoro rolls his eyes, looking around for a waiter until his eyes landed on her.  One look at her, and he knew, there was just something about her. Like she existed in a slightly brighter light than everyone else he's ever met, and he's not sure whether he should shield his eyes or if he can't bear to look away.

Luffy watches his usually stern friend let his mouth fall open in silence, baffled by his actions until Nami leans over to whisper to the green haired guy.

Zoro didn't hear exactly what she had told him, but he hears the word 'crush' and feels his stomach churn at the thought. As his crewmates laugh at his reaction, he felt the need to run, but he's unsure whether he wants to go towards her, or away from her. He grips his white katana as a panicked instinct when she finally glances up with her (E/C) eyes and sends a friendly smile towards him.

Luffy could tell, just by her eyes, her demeanor, that she is good and kind, and destined to be aboard on the Merry as a part of his crew.

"I want her on our crew!" Luffy exclaims as his crewmates stop laughing, Zoro's eyes landing on his captains. Luffy knew that just because she looked like she was destined to travel with them on the ship, that wasn't the only reason he wanted her on the ship. It was because of Zoro - the way his body relaxed as soon at her (E/C) eyes met Zoro's. It was unusual to see Zoro act like that, especially towards a woman. And for that reason, he wanted her on his ship - to make the swordsman happy even if he didn't know it yet.

Zoro can't bring himself to do anything but look over to his captain as he makes a sales pitch. The part of his brain that likes to be in control, hopes she'll reject his captain's offer and he'll never feel as shaken as he does in that moment again. But a much bigger part of him knows he would feel somewhat upset that she said 'no' as if he was doomed to sail aimlessly, searching for the same rush he feels when he see's her.



After I gave my mother the newest order, I turn around as I heard my mother behind me, "Table-"

"Table 12. I know, mother." I gave her a quick  smile before walking to the designated table.

As I walk towards the table, I think to myself as I watch these people, obviously not from around here, laugh and talk to each other as if they were having the time of their lives.. well except one.

"Evening guys. Have you guys decided on drinks yet?" I asked the straw hat and his friends.

"Yes, lot's of Sake! And join our crew!" The straw hat basically jumped up from his chair with a wide grin on his face.

"W-what?!" I was taken a back at the sudden statement, "Your crew?"

That's when a blonde guy with curly eyebrows grabbed my hand, laying a gentle kiss on it as he looked up at me with heart eyes, "Well aren't you just beautiful!" He exclaims.

"Ehh!" I could feel my cheeks burning.. How embarrassing.

That's when a tangerine - haired girl hit the straw hat and blonde on their heads, causing them to either sit down in pain or fall onto the floor, still love-struck, "Sorry about them.. Sake for me." She smiled.

As each one of them ordered some Sake until it was just him left to order.

"And you, sir?" I looked at the green-haired guy who jolted his head up to look at me.

"A bottle of Sake.. Thanks." He mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.

"No worries." I gave him a small smile again and wrote down on my notepad, "And food?" I smiled at the crew, waiting for them to decide.

"Meat! Meat!" It was as if he had forgotten about the pain in his head and jumped up from his seat, once again.

I giggled as I watched the young boy before me jump as he repeatedly shouted 'meat'.

They all ordered their preferred meal as I listened closely, writing it all down. As I was about to take my exit, the straw hat spoke once again, "I was serious about earlier." He spoke in a serious tone as I turned around to look at him again.

"I don't think we should force her into an answer just yet, Luffy. What time do you finish work?" A black haired girl asked.

"In about an hour." I looked at the clock on the wall before facing the crew again.

"We will wait for you till you finish work and you can come back to our ship and hang out! I'm Nami by the way." Nami smiled at me before turning to her friends to introduce them.

Obviously, the straw hat was Luffy. The blonde flirt was called Sanji. The long nosed guy was Usopp and the green-haired guy was Zoro, though it didn't seem like he wanted to speak to me at all. They had an archaeologist named Robin and a cute doctor, Chopper.

"You're doctor is so cute." I giggled as Chopper did a little dance, blushing, as he said "Complimenting me won't make happy or anything, you big jerk!"

"I'm Y/N L/N by the way. I have the time after work so why not! I'll be back with your drinks shortly." I gave them a quick bow before walking away, a smile slowly appearing on my face.

These are some weird pirates, huh?

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